Pope celebrates Chrism Mass in St Peter’s Basilica

On Maundy Thursday, Pope Francis celebrated the Chrism Mass in St Peter’s Basilica with priests from the Diocese of Rome and the Vatican Curia. This Mass marks the beginning of the great liturgical celebrations around Easter. During the Mass, holy oils were consecrated, which are used for baptisms, confirmations, anointings of the sick, and ordinations. The Pope, who had recently canceled several appointments due to bronchitis, was pushed to the altar in a wheelchair. In his sermon, he called on the priests to look with love at those who are…

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Good question : Eating healthy: How many eggs are actually too many?

Eggs are not only on everyone’s lips at Easter: whether as a soft-boiled version at breakfast, as a savoury omelette for a quick dinner or as a baking ingredient in afternoon cakes, eggs are regularly on the menu. At the same time, eggs had an image problem for a long time, as they were notorious for being a real cholesterol bomb. This bad reputation has been crumbling for years, as it has been shown that the egg is much more of a high-quality nutrient bomb with many important vitamins and…

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Birth rates will fall worldwide by 2100

The world’s population is still growing, but according to a current forecast, it is likely to shrink again in the long term: by 2100, only six countries worldwide—Samoa, Tonga, Somalia, Niger, Chad, and Tajikistan—will be above the 2.1 children per woman mark. This value is considered the threshold for keeping the population at a constant level. For the remaining 198 countries, the researchers assume that the birth rate in 2100 will be below the 2.1 mark. The number of people there is likely to fall in the long term unless…

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Comet still be visible in the night sky until early April

The comet “12P/Pons-Brooks” is currently traveling through the inner solar system and is rapidly approaching Earth. It will soon reach its maximum brightness and thus offer a fascinating observation opportunity. It can already be spotted in the night sky with a suitable lens. But what is behind this celestial phenomenon, and when is the best time to observe it? Comets and their characteristic featuresHistory and discovery: Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was first discovered on July 12, 1812, by the French astronomer Jean-Louis Pons. Over seventy years later, William Robert Brooks accidentally came…

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What do we celebrate on Palm Sunday? Customs, history and meaning

What is celebrated on Palm Sunday – and what does it have to do with Holy Week? We explain the customs, history, and significance of Palm Sunday in the church, religion, and art. Palm Sunday (March 24, 2024) marks the beginning of Holy Week, also known as “Silent Week,” during which Christians remember the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross and prepare for Easter. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of his Passion. According to the Gospel accounts, Jesus rode into the city on…

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Help, phone phobia! How to get rid of the fear

You need something at work or want to make a new contact. If you’re effective, you pick up the phone. Ideally, at least. But when phone phobia strikes, it’s a different story. All excusesInstead of calling, you start looking for excuses not to. “The ways are extremely creative,” says communication trainer Jürgen Eisserer. In the end, many people shirk and choose the written message. Why is that? “Because they are afraid of rejection,” explains Eisserer. What’s more, many don’t know exactly what they want to say or are worried that…

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Easter days & their meaning – Why there are Easter holidays

What does Easter mean?At Easter, the church celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is the main festival of the Christian faith. According to the apostle Paul, the Christian faith would be invalid without Easter: “But if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is empty, and your faith is empty too” (1 Cor 15:14). The word “Easter” probably comes from the terms “eos” (Greek), “aurora” (Latin) or “austro” (Old Germanic), which all mean “dawn”. The resurrection took place in the early morning of Easter Day.…

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Tired, despite lots of coffee? Pay attention to the timing of your first cup

Many of us can’t do without our morning coffee, but the timing of that first cup can be counterproductive to getting the desired energy boost. If you’re feeling tired despite having just started the day, with heavy lids and dark circles under your eyes, your first instinct on waking might be to make a strong coffee to kick-start your day. But that morning caffeine boost may not be enough to restore your energy and leave you feeling like a zombie. The problem could be that you’re drinking your coffee at…

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WORLD HAPPINESS REPORT: These are the happiest countries in the world

For the seventh time in a row, the happiest people in the world live in Finland. Austria has slipped in this year’s happiness ranking. Every year, the countries with the happiest inhabitants are chosen for the “International World Day of Happiness.” For the seventh time in a row, the happiest people live in Finland. Austria slipped down the rankings slightly this year. The report is about people’s subjective assessments of their own lives. The survey covered the period from 2021 to 2023. Despite the war in Ukraine, people in Northern…

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