Why does pepper make you sneeze?

We all know that unpleasant feeling that overcomes us when we get too close to pepper…. A little pepper in the nose and we are overcome by a sneezing crisis that is hard to suppress. But why does pepper have this effect on our noses? Chemical components in pepperContrary to what you might have guessed, the form of the pepper makes no difference to the sneezing sensation. So whether the pepper is ground or in whole grains, the effect is always the same. Pepper contains certain chemical ingredients. And they…

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“Doomsday Clock” now only 90 seconds to midnight

The Doomsday Clock shows how close the end of mankind is – but it should also give courage that the end can be averted. With blatant nuclear threats by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the hands of the so-called “Doomsday Clock” have been moved from 90 seconds to midnight. In doing so, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists researchers on Tuesday changed the extended time until Earth’s demise from the previous 100 seconds for the first time in three years.“Nuclear risks have increased significantly over the past year, largely because of…

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“Price explosion” in Upper Austria – electricity and gas are already 10 times more expensive

Inflation is becoming increasingly extreme: energy costs have become a real burden for many companies. They are now being helped. “We have had an extreme year in terms of energy policy, with a situation the likes of which we have never seen before,” says Doris Hummer, president of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce. She refers to “exploding energy prices and supply fears.” Hummer said that costs had risen many times over for virtually all companies. “For some companies, electricity and gas prices have tenfold.” The WKOÖ boss warns against…

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Suddenly the teeth fall out: What do such nightmares mean?

One moment everything is still fine; the other moment, you suddenly notice a violent pulling in your mouth. You quickly try to scan your teeth with your tongue – but they are suddenly suspiciously loose. Your pulse is suddenly at 180, and while you rush to the mirror in a panic, you can already feel that one tooth after the other has just gone… Why do we dream?“Phew, lucky you: it was all just a dream.” Many people suffer from recurring nightmares like the one about their teeth falling out.…

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