Often found on car windscreens, what are these black spots for?

Have you ever wondered what those little black dots on your car windscreen are for? These seemingly decorative dots fulfill essential practical functions. According to a report by Linternaute.com, the primary purpose of these dots is to create a smooth transition between the clear windscreen and the black frame, which improves the overall appearance of the vehicle. Their primary function is to protect the sealant underneath from direct sunlight. Over time, UV rays can degrade the adhesive, leading to leaks. The dots help to reduce solar radiation and thus protect…

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Parking in the heat: the best trick for parking your car in summer

Have you ever burned your fingers on a hot steering wheel in the summer? You can avoid it with this trick. In summer, the beautiful weather lures people outside. Many people drive to the lake to cool off. When you return to your parking lot several hours later, you find a heated car whose interior temperature is more reminiscent of a sauna. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid leaving your car in the sun for long periods of time. Therefore, opening the doors first to ventilate the vehicle…

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Why aluminum foil should not be used for food

Hardly any barbecue round goes off without aluminum foil or an aluminum tray. After all, it is so terribly convenient to cook salmon, marinated meat, or feta cheese gently on the grill. The foil is then simply thrown away—nothing needs to be scrubbed clean afterward. Some people use foil without a second thought, while others feel uneasy because they know that it is sometimes considered problematic. But why, actually? Suppose you use acidic or salty ingredients. In that case, aluminum ions can dissolve from the foil and get into the…

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More accidents on the hottest days

Heat leads to more accidents. Footwear is also partly to blame. After a quick dip in the cool water, you should urgently consider whether it is wise to get into the car with flip-flops, sandals, or even barefoot and drive home. The ÖAMTC warns against this and the legal consequences.Chief car instructor Roland Frisch says light footwear can get caught on the pedals, and many people slip on the slippery soles and are unable to brake in time.It can’t hurt to keep shoes suitable for driving in the trunk. It…

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Good question: How much should you tip abroad?

An attentive waitress in a restaurant, a friendly cab driver—in Austria, it is customary to tip good service with around 10 percent of the bill amount on top. “Tipping five to ten percent is also common in many countries,” explains Yvette Polasek, travel expert at ÖAMTC. But there are also countries where other customs apply. You should know this to avoid putting your foot in your mouth. Italy and CroatiaIn Austria’s favorite vacation destinations, a tip of around five to ten percent is considered appropriate if no cover charge is…

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What drivers should look out for on vacation

In anticipation of a vacation, drivers often forget to find out about toll charges in advance. This can lead to unpleasant surprises. Consumer protection expert Bettina Schrittwieser from the Styrian Chamber of Labor provides important tips. If you are going on vacation by car, you should find out in advance about the toll and parking fees at your vacation destination. If a digital vignette can be purchased, make sure that the license plate number is entered correctly. If the barrier is open on the highway, as in Italy, you will…

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Croatia vacationers beware: Highway toll in Croatia increases by 10 percent

At the start of the vacation season, Croatia has increased highway tolls by 10 percent. These seasonal toll prices will apply from July 1 until the end of September. According to Kurier, the new fees for driving on state-operated highways are effective immediately. However, according to the state highway company HAC, buses and trucks are exempt from this price increase. For example, traveling by car from Zagreb to Rijeka will now cost 10.10 euros instead of the previous 9.20 euros. The fees increase from 16 euros to 17.60 euros on…

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Science confirms: The ideal time to get up

A recent scientific study has found that people who get up early have a longer life expectancy. According to research findings and an article in the girlfriend, the time at which you get up has a significant impact on your health and well-being. The study shows that people who get up early tend to live healthier lives and have a lower risk of chronic diseases. This group benefits from a better sleep rhythm, higher productivity and an overall more positive outlook on life. A regular and early start to the…

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Buying a car: leasing or financing? Advantages and disadvantages at a glance

Every year we are faced with the tiresome question of whether it is cheaper to finance or lease a vehicle. Not everyone knows the differences. We therefore take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both options and tell you for whom each is worthwhile. Whether it’s your first car or your fifth: You rarely have enough money to pay for the new vehicle in cash. It is therefore a common solution to pay for the vehicle gradually in installments. But what’s best for you: financing or leasing? We…

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