February 29, 2024 – What the leap year is all about

Every four years, February is extended by one day. Why there are leap years—and why employers can’t look forward to 2024 of all years. Why are there leap years?Every four years, the year is extended by one day, so February has 29 days instead of 28. There is a simple reason for the extension of the month: our earth needs exactly 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds to orbit the sun. This means that a solar year is almost a quarter of a day longer than a…

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Watch out! Here comes the blackfly

The bite of the blackfly is not only painful but can also endanger the health of humans and animals. A study on the blackfly was recently published in the journal “Science of the Total Environment” by scientists from Goethe University and the Senckenberg Research Center for Biodiversity and Climate in Frankfurt. These two-winged insects look like our houseflies but are not nearly as harmless.Global warming is also boosting the population of these insects, which are no more than six millimetres in size, and researchers are warning against their bites. As…

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Morning condensation on the window? Here’s why and how to combat it

What is condensation?Condensation is the opposite of evaporation; it is the phase transition from vapor to liquid. So, the drops on the inside of your windows were initially in the air as water vapor. The cause is a high level of humidity in the interior. The culprit is often poor ventilation or another moisture problem. Where does condensation occur?Condensation forms on the coldest surfaces in your home. As windows are often the weakest link in terms of insulation, they are the logical victim. But what if the condensation is on…

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Watch out! Saharan dust is now reaching Ventral Europe

Saharan dust influences weather patternsA meteorological phenomenon is imminent: Saharan dust will influence the atmosphere over Central Europe in the coming days. From Wednesday, lows over the central Mediterranean region will channel mineral-rich dust into the higher air layers over Austria. In this article, we shed light on the effects of Saharan dust and how you may be able to recognize it directly or indirectly.Low pressure over the central Mediterranean leads the way: on the eastern flank of these lows, Saharan dust from North Africa first reaches Italy and then…

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Here’s the best time to eat a banana a day

Easy to eat and known for its health benefits, the banana is a staple in many diets. But did you know there’s an optimal time of day to consume them? At snack time, whether during morning break or after school in the afternoon, bananas are one of the most consumed and favorite fruits among children. The popularity of this yellow fruit among consumers is mainly due to its nutritional value. Rich in potassium, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and also an excellent source of soft fibers, bananas are good for health.…

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This is the Austrians’ favorite meat

Pork Day is celebrated on March 1. To mark the occasion, AMA-Marketing takes a look at meat consumption trends.AMA quality seal to be extendedPork is the most commonly consumed meat in Austria. At the same time, the proportion of pigs reared in improved animal husbandry systems is increasing continuously, albeit slowly. Austrians eat 33.5 kilos of pork per personAccording to Statistics Austria’s supply balance, pork is the most popular meat, at 33.5 kilograms per person per year. Processed pork is particularly popular. Ham is the most popular overall, followed by…

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Is the big winter comeback coming in March?

An abrupt onset of winter has the regions from Montafon to the Karawanken firmly in its grip. But despite this brief return of winter, February remains on course to be the warmest month in the history of weather records. Even the coming week promises mild temperatures while Italian lows dominate the weather map.,The influence of the Italian lowsThe Alpine region is under the influence of extensive Italian lows at the beginning of the week. These bring humid air from the south, which discharges over the mountains. Intermittent rain and snow…

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Black pin on the heating thermostat: only a few people know about this hidden function

The black pin on the thermostat indicates which heating level is set—that much is clear. But that’s not its only function. If you want, you can also use it to lock your heating to a certain level. This can save you money if you have children in the household who like to fiddle with the controls. The black pin on the heater detects the controllerThe market for smart radiator thermostats is booming, especially since the last energy price crisis. No wonder; after all, clever use and setup of smart home…

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Fear of letting go: How we learn to be open to new things

Why do we often find it difficult to let go of things even though they might not benefit us? Whether it’s a job, an object, a relationship, or a place to live, we often hold on to things even though they are not good for us or are long gone. The fact that we find it difficult to let go of old things and embrace new ones is partly due to the “fear of the consequences.” Why do we often struggle to abandon old behaviors, things, relationships, or places?Every loss…

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