Urgent warning – do not open this SMS message

Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) warns of a new scam via SMS. A new scam SMS is currently circulating in Austria. Using SMS, an impending seizure of household goods is faked to stir up fears and extort payments, Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) informs in a release. The message contains a link to allegedly settle outstanding debts. In this way, the perpetrators try to obtain account data and thus the victims’ money, RTR warns. The new SMS scam was reported via the “rufnummernmissbrauch.at” platform. “The SMS informs you that a…

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Corona: increase in infections and patients expected

The Covid forecasting consortium expects more Corona infections and patients in normal wards in its Wednesday update. An increase in Corona patients is expected in normal wards.Vienna. In the normal-care sector, the number of occupied beds is expected to range from 854 to 1,379 across Austria in two weeks on March 1, with a mean of 1,085 beds. As of Tuesday, 914 infected people had to be treated in normal care units in hospitals. Within a week, the number had increased by 27 percent or 192 patients. In intensive care…

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The five main foods that lower cholesterol

Foods that lower cholesterol is divided into 5 groups.The five food groups are divided by characteristics: rich in fibre; rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) essential (AGE) Omega 3; rich in PUFA-AGE Omega 6; rich in PUFA Omega 9; added in sterols and vegetable stanols. Food group with dietary fibreFoods with dietary fibre are plant foods, i.e., vegetables, fruits, cereals (especially whole grains), legumes and mushrooms; the fibrous component that has the greatest effect on cholesterol levels is the “soluble,” and the daily amount of dietary fibre consumed in the…

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Over 700,000 sick in Austria – most severe flu wave in a long time

This winter, more hospitalizations were due to the flu than before the pandemic. More than 700,000 people were on sick leave. Coughs, colds, headaches and sometimes high fevers: Austria was hit by a triple wave of infections this winter. In addition to Corona and the RS virus, the flu wave was particularly severe in December and January. As the Austrian Health Insurance Fund reported, there were 22,650 influenza cases in Austria between November 2022 and January 2023. The seasonal infection wave started early this winter. The first flu cases occurred…

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Windows 11 now officially runs on M1 and M2 Macbooks

Through cooperation with Parallels, Microsoft now supports Windows 11 on Apple’s M1 and M2 Macbooks. Mac users can now run Windows with official support from Microsoft. “Parallels Desktop version 18 is an authorized solution for running ARM versions of Windows 11 Pro and Windows 11 Enterprise in a virtual environment on its platform on Apple M1 and M2 computers,” it says. Valid license requiredParallels had begun supporting Windows on M1 chips with desktop version 16.5. With the latest version, Windows 11 can now be downloaded and installed with a single…

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New study: omicron is deadlier than flu

Omicron variant is deadlier than seasonal flu, study says. According to a representative study by the University of Lucerne, the Corona variant Omicron has a higher mortality rate among hospitalized individuals than seasonal flu. During the first 30 days of hospitalization, mortality was about 1.5 times higher in people sick with the Omicron variant, the University of Lucerne said Thursday. Higher mortality with Omicron variant than with influenzaThe results were published Wednesday in the journal Jama Network Open. Data from 3,066 people affected by omicron were matched with 2,146 who…

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Purple vegetables may reduce the risk of diabetes

The red, purple and blue pigments in fruits, vegetables and tubers may reduce the risk of diabetes, a recent Finnish study shows. The purple pigments, called anthocyanins, affect energy metabolism, the gut microbiome, and inflammation. The positive effect of anthocyanins on type 2 diabetes is particularly high in certain vegetables. These include purple potatoes, purple sweet potatoes, radishes, purple carrots and red cabbage. Blueberries, blackberries and mulberries are also dark purples, but they chemically lack a so-called acyl group, so their effect is smaller. The researchers managed to show this…

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After Corona – now hundreds of thousands are sick with the flu

After three years of the Corona pandemic, the real flu returned this winter – and in sevenfold strength. In addition, there are numerous colds. It was the most unpleasant comeback this winter: The flu is back. Benefiting from Corona protections, flu seasons in 2020/21 and 2021/22 had been relatively mild. But with the elimination of mandatory masks (except in Vienna) and spacing rules, infection numbers went back up massively this year. At the same time, influenza, in particular, i.e. the real flu, carries a high health risk and can also…

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Up to 18 degrees at the weekend: Spring sends its regards

Austrians can look forward to warmer temperatures: according to the current forecast of Geosphere Austria (formerly ZAMG), up to 18 degrees are expected at the weekend. Regionally, however, stormy weather may also occur. First, however, it will still be somewhat uncomfortable on Friday. Embedded in the northwesterly high-altitude current, a frontal system will capture the country and bring dense clouds north of the main ridge of the Alps and intermittent rain, especially in the north. In the south, however, it will be sunny for longer periods on Friday with variable…

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