The Viennese Opera Ball celebrates its comeback today

Today the 65th edition of the Vienna Opera Ball takes place at the Vienna State Opera.After the corona-related cancellations, the State Opera will once again become the most beautiful ballroom in the world today. History After soirees and routes starting in 1877, the first “real” Opera Ball took place in 1935. There was a break due to war from 1940 to 1956, once in 1991 (Gulf War) and then twice because of Corona. The guests 2023 are expected in the sold-out opera with 5,150 ball guests; each ticket costs 350…

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1-Dollar vaccine from Austro researchers protects well against Corona

A low-cost covid-19 vaccine developed in a lead role by Austrian researchers working in New York is proving promising. Subjects in Thailand built up comparably high antibody levels in a clinical trial after administration of the new vector vaccine, “NDV-HXP-S,” as did people who received the Biontech-Pfizer vaccine. The analysis has now been presented in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Classic pathway for affordable vaccineThe team from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, led by Peter Palese, a native of Upper Austria, Austrian virologist Florian Krammer and Adolfo…

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A large asteroid flies past Earth in the night on Thursday

Asteroid 2005 YY128 will come closer to Earth on Thursday night than in 400 years. At 1:46 a.m., it will fly past Earth at a distance of 4.5 million kilometres. There is no danger of an impact. The chunk of space is still considered potentially dangerous because of its size and orbit. The asteroid’s diameter is estimated by astronomers* between 580 meters and 1.3 kilometres. It was discovered in 2005, as its name indicates. The flyby will occur exactly ten years after a 20-meter meteorite exploded over the Russian city…

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Does the moon influence our sleep? This is what science says

Yes, the moon – it is said to have some magical powers. Most often, we hear that it hurts our sleep. But does it? It seems that science has now actually found an answer! Does the moon make us sleep worse?The moon holds a great fascination for many people. While some people completely follow the lunar cycle and, for example, cut their hair only according to the lunar calendar, others, in turn, feel the full moon very strongly when they can’t sleep at night and toss and turn in bed…

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Aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen: for this complaint, it’s worth giving preference to one of the drugs

Sometimes the pain is so great that it cannot be endured, and we resort to medication. However, the choice is wide, so some ask themselves the berchtigte question: in which case should paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen be the first choice? Those who have often had a night of drinking or suffer from headaches from time to time usually have their painkillers on hand. What many people don’t know: Sometimes, it is worthwhile to give preference to one of the medications for certain complaints (even for colds). The anti-inflammatory effect is…

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The population increased: How many people live in Austria?

The population of Austria has grown strongly. A calculation of Statistics Austria shows this. On Jan. 1, 2023, 9,106,126 people lived in the country, up 127,197 (plus 1.4 percent) from the beginning of 2022, according to preliminary data from Statistics Austria. The increase was much larger than in 2021, when the increase was 46,265 people or 0.5 percent. It was also slightly larger than in 2015, when there were plus 115,545 persons or 1.3 percent. A good half of the increase was due to the Ukraine war. “Austria grew more…

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Day of love Why do we celebrate Valentine’s Day?

February 14 is considered the Day of love and lovers. But why is it so? Please read about the meaning of Valentine’s Day, its history and customs here. When is Valentine’s Day?Every year February 14 is Valentine’s Day. In many countries around the world, people give flowers and chocolates, express affection or even get married on this date. Malicious tongues claim that Valentine’s Day is an invention of florists and chocolate manufacturers, but the custom goes back hundreds of years. Meaning of Valentine’s Day – short versionBishop Valentine of Terni…

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Gigantic vortex on the sun: what it means for Earth

You don’t see this every day: an enormous “polar vortex” formed on the Sun in early February. While solar flares are a regular occurrence, such detached vortices are rather rare. For the Earth, however, such polar vortices have no effect. Since the Sun’s north pole faces away from Earth, no solar storms or restrictions on GPS or radio are expected. Gigantic solar arcsSo-called prominences occur relatively often on our home star. The charged particle streams can be observed at the Sun’s edge as dull glowing arcs. These are often several…

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Inflation – one can claim the cost of living deduction of 500 euros

With tax equalization, you can get back several hundred euros per year. There is more money for people with lower incomes this year. The employee assessment (tax equalization) pays off, especially this year. Up to an income of 24,000 euros can claim the cost-of-living deduction of 500 euros, reports the “ORF.” This is one of the measures from the Anit inflation package of the government. However, this only applies this year. Families, as well as commuters, will also get more money. According to the Chamber of Labor, a family with…

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