Cold front brings changeable weather to Austria

After a halfway springlike weekend, the week starts on Monday with the next cold front. Thus, it is mostly densely cloudy and rainy especially during the first half of the day, announced Geosphere Austria on Sunday. From the west, however, it loosens up visibly with rising air pressure during the day and the sun shows up more often. Otherwise, it remains slightly prone to showers in the afternoon. The daily high will reach twelve to 17 degrees. Also on Tuesday, Austria will remain in a changeable, northwesterly flow. There will…

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7 Wonders of the Modern World

The 7 Wonders of the Modern World are seven architectural works reminiscent of the ancient canonical list of the Seven Wonders of the World (dating back to the third century B.C.).A for-profit Swiss company called New Open World Corporation (NOWC) organized the competition to select the sites. The company launched the competition in 2000 during the Sydney Olympics. The selection lasted seven years and went through several phases. In the final stages of voting (according to the organizers, more than 100 million votes were received), a list of 21 finalists…

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Why does hair turn gray? Researchers have new findings

Why does our hair turn gray as we age? Many of us have probably asked ourselves this question. So far, however, there have been no satisfactory answers. However, US researchers have found a possible reason within the framework of a new study. New findings: This is why our hair turns grayThe question of why our hair turns gray and how this aging process can be stopped has been addressed by a team of researchers from the USA as part of a recent study. And in the process, they have gained…

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Egypt, the world’s oldest mummy, discovered

Recent archaeological excavations in Egypt have led to the discovery of a mummy dating back some 4,300 years, making it the oldest mummy in the world. The discovery was made near the Pyramid of Saqqara, about 30 kilometers from Cairo. This discovery represents an important archaeological treasure and a unique window into the life and funerary customs of the ancient Egyptians. In this photo gallery, we explore the details of this extraordinary discovery and what it can teach us about Egypt’s ancient history. Egypt, the world’s oldest mummy, discoveredRecent archaeological…

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An Earth-like planet was discovered, and it could be habitable

The discoveryAstronomers have discovered a planet beyond our solar system with an Earth-like mass that may be habitable. A team discovered researchers led by Diana Kossakowski of the German Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (Mpia) in Heidelberg, who published it in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.Where it is locatedThe Earth-mass exoplanet orbits a red dwarf named Wolf 1069 in Swan (constellation), just 31 light-years from Earth. Known as Wolf 1069 b, the planet is estimated to be about the same size as Earth and also about the same mass.How it…

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