A new corona variant in Austria

In the midst of the coronavirus wave, a new coronavirus mutation is now causing a stir. The JN.1 variant is said to be even more contagious. As soon as winter arrives, the coronavirus not only dominates the infection scene again but also produces new offspring. After Eris (EG.5) and Pirola (BA.2.86), the JN.1 variant is now causing a stir in research circles. “JN.1 popped up in France a few weeks ago and caused a small outbreak in the north,” explains virologist Monika Redlberger-Fritz from MedUni Vienna. According to the expert,…

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What helps with back pain?

Unless there are obvious organic causes, like a herniated disc, fracture, severe osteoporosis, tumour metastases, or specific infectious diseases, low back pain or back pain is typically not life-threatening and does not require special treatment. However, a good 80 percent are “non-specific” or “non-specific” back pain, in which a dangerous triggering cause cannot be primarily identified. In these cases, doctors should not “overtreat”.Sick leave is also not advisable; those affected should not be forced into counterproductive inactivity through bed rest. Instead, conventional, conservative measures should be used. “Educating patients about…

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Rich people live more climate-damaging lives than poor people

According to data analyses by the development organisation Oxfam, the extreme consumption of the rich and super-rich is accelerating global warming at an almost obscene rate. In 2019, the richest one percent of the world’s population caused as many climate-damaging greenhouse gases as the five billion people who make up the poorer two-thirds, according to an Oxfam report published on Monday. The report “Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99 Percent” is based on the scientific finding that people’s greenhouse gas emissions increase with their private income and wealth. The…

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These foods sound healthy, but they’re not

We all want to eat healthily. Many foods have health benefits that we don’t want to miss out on. But some other foods masquerade as healthy superfoods when, in fact, the opposite is true. The health halo effectAccording to experts, this phenomenon is known as the “halo effect”. The phenomenon is seen in the food industry when labels such as “high in fibre” or “low in calories” are applied to food packaging to make the product appear healthier. These foods are actually extremely processed, making them anything but nutritious. Because…

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The danger of COVID has not yet been averted for many

The majority of Austrians have already been vaccinated against coronavirus or have recovered. However, people whose immune system is weakened due to illness or the use of immunosuppressive medication are often unable to build up sufficient immune protection against the SARS-CoV-2 virus despite vaccination and are, therefore, almost defenceless against it. There is a new prophylactic drug for this particularly vulnerable group of people. It is administered by two intramuscular injections at the same time. “Covid can definitely pose a risk to certain people in autumn and winter,” confirms Viennese…

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