It should be 10,000 steps a day – the recommendation is too much for many working people. The good news is that you can spice up your daily routine with a few tricks to make your health happy. 5 tips for more exercise in everyday lifeCounting steps is the order of the day: 10,000 steps per day is recommended. That corresponds to six to eight kilometres. However, frustration quickly sets in when you don’t get your step count after a hard day at the office. The good news is that…
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500 years after Dracula’s death: researchers reveal a terrifying secret
After analysing letters written by Vlad the Impaler, the prince of Wallachia and the historical figure referred to by the author of Count Dracula, researchers have made a surprising discovery. A gloomy castle in a dark forest in Transylvania, a large cloak, and pointed and bloody teeth—you’ll recognise what these next few lines are about the legendary Count Dracula. The origin of the vampire from TransylvaniaThe famous nobleman from the Carpathian Mountains is considered the archetype of the vampire in modern literature. He comes from the epistolary novel by Bram…
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