Corona has reinvented itself; variants are also with us

The coronavirus has spawned a new strain: KP.2 may not necessarily be more contagious than its predecessors, but it spreads faster and can better circumvent the current vaccination’s immune protection.Sars-Cov-2 does not take a summer break, as we have known at least since the Omicron variant BA.5. Now the virus has evolved again. Things have been quiet around the coronavirus recently. No wonder the winter is over, and JN.1 is probably the highest coronavirus wave ever. The successor to the long-dominant ‘Pirola’ line evaded the frontline defences of immunised people…

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This week’s weather: Changeable and moderately warm

The weather over Austria will be increasingly changeable and moderately warm in the coming week. While it will increasingly rain in the country’s west, it will initially remain mainly dry in the east. It will be five to 13 degrees in the morning, rising to 23 degrees during the day. Tuesday will start cloudy, with rain showers south of the main Alpine ridge. After a precipitation-free start to the day, spring clouds with showers will also develop in the west in the afternoon. In the north and east, it will…

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Solar storm brought northern lights to Austria at the weekend

At the weekend, people in many atypical regions of the world had the opportunity to marvel at auroras in the sky. A massive solar storm ensured the phenomenon could also be seen from Austria on Saturday night—and even partially on Sunday night. In the meantime, the disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field has weakened considerably. It was ‘too little to see anything in Austria’, Tanja Amerstorfer from Geosphere Austria told APA. ‘There are still solar storms on the way,’ emphasised the deputy head of the Space Weather Office of Geosphere…

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