Good question: Does it make sense to ventilate even in rainy weather?

Mold likes it damp and calm, so experts advise targeted ventilation to remove room moisture. Sounds logical. But what happens on rainy or foggy days when the humidity outside is high? Does it make sense to ventilate these days, too, or does this only increase the humidity indoors? The answer to this question is yes; you should also ventilate on these days. Ewald Gärber is an expert in the areas of building, living, and energy at ‘Die Umweltberatung’: ‘Yes, it also makes sense to ventilate in humid weather because, in…

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Be careful: heavy fines for traffic offenses in popular holiday destinations

Sometimes heavy fines for traffic offenses in popular holiday destinations, new EU directive on cross-border prosecution The traffic regulations and the costs for traffic offenses abroad can differ from those at home. ‘Before setting off on holiday, you should learn about local traffic regulations. In principle, what is taboo at home should also be taboo abroad,’ says ÖAMTC lawyer Verena Pronebner. Anyone who drives too fast in popular holiday destinations or parks incorrectly or is under the influence of alcohol can face heavy fines, vehicle confiscation, or even imprisonment. Drinking…

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Sun, rain and thunderstorms on Pentecost weekend in Austria

The weather in Austria will remain changeable over the Whitsun weekend. Showers and thunderstorms are also expected in the coming days, experts Geosphere Austria forecast on Thursday. In sunny periods, temperatures will reach up to 26 degrees.Low pressure will cause mostly unsettled weather in Austria on Friday. In addition to only brief sunny spells, dense clouds, heavy rain, and showers will dominate until well into the afternoon. There will also be frequent heavy thunderstorms. The wind will be mostly weak to moderate in the north and east, initially still partly…

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Earth-sized planet discovered around small star that shines 100 times longer than the sun

Astronomers have discovered an Earth-sized planet, Speculoos-3b, orbiting an ultra-cool red dwarf star that is expected to shine 100 times longer than our Sun. This remarkable find was made 55 light years from Earth as the planet passed in front of its host star, causing a brief dimming of the starlight.The research, published in Nature Astronomy and highlighted by The Guardian, shows that Speculoos-3b is virtually the same size as our Earth. However, the planet orbits its star in just 17 hours, which means that a year on Speculoos-3 B…

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