UN Office for Outer Space Affairs and Japan join forces to support new space law missions to the Philippines and Thailand

As the exploration and utilization of outer space become increasingly important in today’s world, countries must have a strong understanding of the legal framework governing activities in space. The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Government of Japan have recognized this need and have taken a significant step towards promoting cooperation and capacity-building in the field of space law. The “Space Law for New Space Actors” project, established in 2021, aims to provide legal advisory services and capacity-building support to countries in Asia and the Pacific…

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WHO sounds the alarm: eight million syphilis infections per year

The World Health Organization (WHO) is sounding the alarm about setbacks in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases. Annual new infections with syphilis rose from around 7.1 million in 2020 to 8 million in 2022, the UN organization reported in Geneva on Tuesday. The largest increases were recorded on the American continent and in Africa. 230,000 people died from the bacterial disease in 2022. “The rising incidence of syphilis is a cause for great concern,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. According to his organization’s report, a total of more…

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Flowering chives: poisonous or edible?

Flowering chives look beautiful, but what does that mean for their use in the kitchen? Many people wonder whether flowering chives are still edible or even poisonous. According to an article on myHOMEBOOK, there is no need to worry: flowering chives are not poisonous and can still be used. Normally, chives are harvested regularly, so they rarely flower. However, if you forget to cut it, it blooms between May and August with pretty purple to red flowers. These flowers are not only edible but also a real eye-catcher in the…

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E-scooters – 15 frequently asked questions and answers. What are the regulations?

E-scooters can be found in every city, in popular travel regions, and even in rural areas; they are becoming increasingly common. They can be rented quite easily or bought for little money. What should you look out for, and what are the regulations for drivers of e-scooters? We have answers to some frequently asked questions. What is an e-scooter?An electric scooter is an electrically powered small scooter with a maximum permissible power of no more than 600 watts and a design speed of no more than 25 km/h. Where is…

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