PAMANA IV – A Celebration of Philippine Culture: Philippine Festivals Parade to grace Vienna’s Streets

Get ready to experience the vibrant energy of the Philippines as Vienna hosts a spectacular festival parade on June 1, 2023! This colorful parade promises to be a dazzling display of traditional Filipino artistry and cultural heritage, showcasing the rich tapestry of dance and music across the archipelago. The parade will kick off at the iconic Stephansplatz in Vienna’s 1st District, drawing onlookers with vibrant costumes and infectious rhythms. The energetic dances tell a story, reflecting different Filipino regions’ unique customs and traditions. The procession will wind its way through…

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Association of Pangasinenses in Austria – Our Lady of Manaoag Supports Charity Event for Kindergarten Project in the Philippines

The support and generosity of the Association of Pangasinenses in Austria — Our Lady of Manaoag—was on full display recently at a charity event organized to raise funds for a kindergarten project in Barangay Idio, Antique, Philippines. This event, held at the Parish of the Heart of Jesus in Vienna’s 21st District, saw parishioners coming together to support a noble cause, with the support of Our Lady of Manaoag adding an extra layer of heartfelt dedication to the proceedings. The Sunday Mass at the parish was made even more special…

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Caritas campaign: saving vegetables, fruit and herbs

With the ErnteZeit project, Caritas collects edible fruit, vegetables and herbs from gardens in Vienna and eastern Lower Austria. The donations are accepted in a total of four-day centres for people with disabilities and processed into jams, chutneys and juices. ‘We invite all people with their own garden to donate their surplus harvest. In doing so, we want to make a joint contribution to greater climate protection, waste avoidance and a more sustainable approach to our environment,’ said Klaus Schwertner, Caritas Director of the Archdiocese of Vienna, in the run-up…

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How often do we really sit in front of our smartphones?

Two opposing trends will continue to increase in 2024: the time we spend in front of screens and the intention to reduce it. How to keep track.In recent years, the average time we spend in front of screens has steadily increased. Various surveys confirm this, and the pandemic, in particular, has intensified the trend towards more screen time. At the same time, other surveys show that more and more people want to take a conscious break from digital media. Fortunately, both Android and iOS devices offer built-in features that give…

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‘Uninstall immediately’: 5 apps are secretly spying on you

Not only in the Google Play Store but also in Apple’s App Store, there are occasionally dangerous apps that can cause serious problems for users. These include the following apps, which you should delete: They can be dangerous in many different ways. Delete the app: Watch out for these 5 examplesIf you find a dodgy app on your mobile phone, it’s always a good idea to delete it. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can generally feel a little safer, as Apple checks the apps in its App…

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