Comet dust! Up to 100 shooting stars per hour

Comet dust will burn up at over 200,000 km/h and observers can make a wish with every shooting star.Midsummer time is shooting star time: As every year around August 12, the legendary Perseids swarm promises countless shooting stars these days. It’s worth taking a look at the sky in the coming nights. The Perseids meteor shower can be observed in the night sky for a long time until almost the end of August. Some of these shooting stars can already be seen, and the spectacle should reach its peak on…

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Scaling the Mighty Vesuvius: A Journey to the Crater

July 21, 2024 – Our tour group (including my family) made its way to Mount Vesuvius, the infamous volcano that brought ancient Pompeii to its knees. The visit to this iconic site, culminating in a trek up to the crater, was an adventure that combined natural beauty, historical intrigue, and personal challenge. This article recounts our experiences from the initial steps on the trail to the awe-inspiring view from the summit. The Journey Begins Arrival and First Impressions As we approached Mount Vesuvius, the looming presence of the volcano was…

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A Journey Through Time: Visiting the Archaeological Marvels of Pompeii

Pompeii, the ancient Roman city famously buried under volcanic ash from Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, offers a unique window into the past. In this article, i want to explore the profound experience of visiting this archaeological site, and the insights gained from visiting the excavations. As our tour guide Peppi mentioned during the tour itself, Pompeii’s history is a tale of both prosperity and tragedy. Founded in the 7th century BC, Pompeii flourished under Roman rule, becoming a bustling hub of commerce and culture. The catastrophic eruption of Mount…

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A Day in Capri: walking narrow roads and an unexpected lunch surprise

Capri, the picturesque island nestled in the Bay of Naples, is often celebrated for its stunning natural beauty, vibrant atmosphere, and timeless charm. Our recent trip to this Mediterranean gem was no exception, offering a blend of scenic walks and an unforgettable culinary surprise. Exploring the Narrow Roads Our day began with a ferry ride from the mainland, with our tourist guide Pietro.  As we approached Capri, the island’s rugged cliffs and lush greenery came into view, setting the stage for the adventures ahead. Upon disembarking, Pietro already reserved two…

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Can you drive through a red light in Austria when an ambulance is coming?

In Austria, it is generally forbidden to run a red light. However, there are exceptions for special situations, such as the approach of an emergency vehicle (ambulance, police, fire department) with blue lights and siren switched on. If an emergency vehicle is approaching and you have to make way for it, you can take the following steps: Be careful and attentive: Reduce your speed and watch the traffic and the emergency vehicle. Signal your intentions: Use turn signals to signal your intentions to other road users. Leave the intersection safely:…

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The Barrio Fiesta in Vienna: A Celebration of Filipino Culture

Vienna, renowned for its classical music, grand architecture, and vibrant arts scene, becomes the backdrop for a lively and colorful celebration each year—the Barrio Fiesta. This event, organized by the Council of Filipino Associations in Austria, transformed the football arena at the Pellmanngasse corner Heidergasse 14, 1230 Vienna, into a bustling Filipino village, filled with music, dance, and the aroma of traditional dishes. On Saturday, July 20, 2024 marked the annual celebration, bringing together Filipinos and Austrians alike to honor Filipino culture and heritage. On July 20, 2024 the Council…

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