Cycling Adventure from Kasten to Linz: The Final Round of Our Journey

After several days of cycling through the picturesque landscapes of Upper Austria, our final leg from Kasten to Linz marked the climax of an unforgettable adventure. Covering around 80 kilometers, this stretch was a test of endurance and a celebration of the 433,25 kilometers we had already conquered over the past five days. The Journey Begins: Kasten to Schlögen We set off from Kasten with the familiar feeling of excitement and a touch of melancholy, knowing this was the last leg of our journey. The weather was perfect for cycling,…

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WFWP Hosts Successful Hybrid 6th Meet and Greet: Women and Youth Unite for a Resilient and Sustainable Future

Vienna, Austria – August 29, 2024 – The Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) successfully hosted its 6th Meet and Greet event on August 29, 2024, in a dynamic hybrid format, bringing together participants online via Zoom and in person. The event, themed “Women and Youth Working Together for a More Resilient and Sustainable Future for Generations to Come,” featured a distinguished lineup of speakers and interactive sessions focused on fostering collaboration between women and youth in addressing global challenges. Keynote Speakers and PresentationsThe event was graced by several prominent…

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