WHO clarifies, despite health emergency: Mpox is not the new corona

According to the World Health Organization, the recent spread of Mpox is not comparable to the coronavirus pandemic. MPox is not the new Covid, said Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, at a press conference on Tuesday. This applies regardless of whether it is the latest or the old variant. The authorities know how to control the spread of the virus. “We can and must take joint action against Mpox,” emphasized Kluge. “So are we going to put the systems in place to control and eliminate Mpox globally? Or…

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Six signs that you’re eating too much sugar

Sugar can make us happy, but it can also make us addicted and ill. The dose makes the poison. This is how you can tell if you are consuming too much. Too many people feel they have an immense “need” for sugar. Eating a few sweets here and there to satisfy a craving is one thing, but eating large amounts every day is another. Regular consumption of large amounts of added sugar can be detrimental to health and increase the risk of various diseases. The body is smart and knows…

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Much later than expected: the healthiest time to eat breakfast

Some people eat breakfast as soon as they get up, others just before leaving the house, and many don’t eat. A balanced breakfast has been proven to give us a powerful energy boost for the day. It boosts metabolism, regulates blood sugar levels, improves mood, and increases concentration. In addition, it can even help to prevent hunger pangs throughout the day. Long story short, breakfast is crucial. But the healthiest time—when to eat breakfast—is still a mystery. This is the ideal time to have breakfastAccording to former athlete, nutritionist, and…

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Austria: Why there are so many wasps at the moment?

Wasps seem particularly numerous this summer and are causing trouble at barbecues and relaxing hours in the garden. But what are the reasons for this? The exact answer to this question depends on various factors. Experts attribute the increased number of wasps to several causes, including: Favorable weather conditions: Last winter was mild, meaning many queen wasps survived and could start building their nests in the spring. In addition, the hot and dry summer offers optimal conditions for developing wasp colonies. Abundant food supply: An abundance of food, such as…

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The most common mistakes we all make when charging our cell phones

Charging your cell phone is part of everyday life, but many of us still make mistakes that can shorten the battery’s life. Here are the most common mistakes you should avoid to protect your battery: Charging for too longOne of the biggest mistakes is to leave your phone on the charger long after it has reached 100%. Modern cell phones have lithium-ion batteries, which do not always benefit from being fully charged. To prolong the battery’s life, try to remove your phone from the charger as soon as it is…

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Monkeypox in Europe – what you need to know now

Previously only widespread in Africa, a new variant of the monkeypox virus has now made it to Europe, which is what you need to know. On Thursday, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global smallpox emergency for the second time in two years. The authority is particularly concerned about a new variant of the Mpox virus: clade Ib (Roman 1 b). This variant has spread from the Democratic Republic of Congo to neighboring countries such as Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda, triggering the WHO’s measures. Sweden has now reported…

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Day is fixed! When climate bonus lands in your account

The date is now fixed—when the climate bonus will be credited to your account. (Almost everyone in Austria will receive the climate bonus again this year.The climate bonus will be paid out at the same time as school starts (at least in Vienna, Lower Austria, and Burgenland). The climate bonus is now entering its third round. While it has been clear for some time that the payout will be higher this year than in previous years, the Climate Ministry has long kept the exact start date a secret. First, there…

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2024 is likely to be the hottest year ever in Austria

According to the temperatures measured so far, 2024 could be the hottest year in Austria’s history. This is according to the latest data from Geosphere Austria. Regarding the measured air temperature, the Austrian annual average for 2024—including the forecasts for August—is already 3.8 degrees above the 1961–1990 average. According to Geosphere Austria, only two above-average or four average cold autumn and winter months can change this value, so 2023 to 2018 (around 2.5 degrees above the 1961–1990 average) are not exceeded. Even a cold December, which was relatively warm in…

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Which fruit contains the most sugar?

When discussing a healthy and balanced diet, we cannot ignore fruits, as they are known for their numerous benefits and contributions to the desired nutrition of the human body, such as vitamins, essential minerals, fiber, water, and antioxidants. The promotion of fruit consumption for a healthy diet has been recognized worldwide, even by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has promoted its well-known campaigns for consuming five portions of daily fruit. Despite the benefits of eating fruit, we must not forget one element it contains: natural fructose (sugar). Although not…

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