All of Lower Austria is a disaster protection area

A disaster and civil protection alert was declared in Lower Austria, and the western route was interrupted. Fire departments throughout Austria had already been called out hundreds of times on Sunday. But the heavy rainfall is continuing—for the time being – and in Lower Austria in particular, it is expected to continue raining heavily and without interruption until the afternoon. The flood situation remains critical throughout the country, and the fire departments largely concentrate on rescuing people. Due to the cold snap, the mountains are already very wintry in places.…

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Storm rages in Vienna: fire department prepared for the worst

Storm damage in Vienna requires the permanent deployment of the professional fire department, while squalls and heavy rain continue. The city also prepared for the rising water levels of the waterways, including the Danube. Emergency services in continuous operationDue to the weather, the Vienna Fire Department was called out to 400 incidents in the Austrian capital on Saturday night and Saturday. The majority of these were due to stormy gusts of wind. Broken branches had to be removed, loose roof tiles had to be secured, and fallen scaffolding had to…

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Good question: Is it really not advisable to reheat spinach?

It has always been said that spinach is a real “iron bomb”. Is that no longer true? It was never true – the origin of this legend is said to go back to a miscalculation: The values of dried spinach powder were transferred to fresh spinach, even though it consists of around 90 percent water. However, compared to other vegetables, spinach still provides a good source of iron at 4.1 mg per 100 g.So spinach isn’t so healthy after all? Yes, spinach is healthy – it’s not for nothing that…

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Absolute records for rain, snow and storms in September in Austria

Austria is experiencing unusual weather records this September, with rainfall, snowfall, and gale-force winds significantly exceeding the average values in many regions. Thousands of households without electricityAccording to Geosphere Austria, the amount of rainfall over the past few days has already significantly exceeded average September values in some regions. In the Upper Austrian town of Weyer (Steyr-Land district), over 185 liters per square meter fell from Thursday to Saturday afternoon, compared to around 140 liters per square meter in an average September. The amount of snow and the wind peaks…

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Torrential Downpour Don’t Deter Devotees of Our Lady of Peñafrancia in Austria

Vienna, Austria, 13 September 2024 – Despite Austria’s meteorological service’s warning about heavy rainfall in Vienna, accompanied by wind gusts reaching 90 kilometers per hour, devotees of Our Lady of Peñafrancia in Austria attended the first day of Novena Mass, the commencement of the  31st Penafrancia festivities organized by Bikol Society Austria (BSA) in cooperation with the Filipino Catholic Chaplaincy in Vienna. The Novena Mass is a series of nine days of prayer and reflection leading to the Feast of Our Lady of Peñafrancia. It was held in Salvator am…

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WHO approves first Mpox vaccine

The first vaccine against Mpox has been approved by the WHO. Bavarian Nordic produces it. Special rules apply to children. The World Health Organization has approved the first vaccine against Mpox for adults. The product, made by Bavarian Nordic A/S, can also be used in minors in certain cases, the WHO said on Friday. “This first prequalification of a vaccine against Mpox is an important step in our fight against the disease,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The prequalification allows organizations such as the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) and the…

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The city of Vienna expects Danube flooding due to the storms

Heavy rainfall in Austria could lead to flooding in the Danube and, therefore, also in Vienna. The city administration has confirmed that the flood protection team for Vienna’s waterways is ready. Vienna is well prepared for high water levels thanks to the Danube Island and the New Danube. Kachelmann ragesThe flood control center of MA 45 in the intake structure in Langenzersdorf as well as the additional two weirs 1 and 2 on the New Danube will be permanently manned from Saturday morning, it was reported. The Danube Island, with…

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Weather situation in Austria intensifies with extreme amounts of rain

In many regions of Austria, extreme weather conditions are prevailing, with unusually high amounts of rain and snow, which, according to Geosphere Austria, can lead to flooding and mudslides. Closures due to heavy rainGeosphere Austria warned on Friday of floods and mudslides due to extreme rain and snow. In higher-altitude regions, snow breakage may lead to issues on transportation routes and power connections. The precipitation shifted from Thursday to Friday from the south to the east of Austria and the northern side of the Alps. The weather situation is attributed…

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Art Exhibition of the Filipino Visual Artists in Austria: Celebrating the Nuances of Water

Vienna, Austria—The Filipino Visual Artists in Austria is pleased to invite art lovers and enthusiasts to its upcoming art exhibition, with the intriguing theme of “Nuances of Water.” This exciting event will showcase the incredible talent of Filipino artists living in Austria and promises to be a visual feast for all who attend. The Vernissage, or opening of the art exhibition, is scheduled to take place on October 7, 2024, at 18:30. The community is invited to join this momentous occasion, which marks a celebration of Filipino culture and artistic…

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