Weather situation in Austria intensifies with extreme amounts of rain

In many regions of Austria, extreme weather conditions are prevailing, with unusually high amounts of rain and snow, which, according to Geosphere Austria, can lead to flooding and mudslides. Closures due to heavy rainGeosphere Austria warned on Friday of floods and mudslides due to extreme rain and snow. In higher-altitude regions, snow breakage may lead to issues on transportation routes and power connections. The precipitation shifted from Thursday to Friday from the south to the east of Austria and the northern side of the Alps. The weather situation is attributed…

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Art Exhibition of the Filipino Visual Artists in Austria: Celebrating the Nuances of Water

Vienna, Austria—The Filipino Visual Artists in Austria is pleased to invite art lovers and enthusiasts to its upcoming art exhibition, with the intriguing theme of “Nuances of Water.” This exciting event will showcase the incredible talent of Filipino artists living in Austria and promises to be a visual feast for all who attend. The Vernissage, or opening of the art exhibition, is scheduled to take place on October 7, 2024, at 18:30. The community is invited to join this momentous occasion, which marks a celebration of Filipino culture and artistic…

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Study reveals: Does money really make you happy?

“You can’t buy happiness.” You’ve probably all heard this phrase before. But is it true? Even scientists are looking for the answer to this riddle, with surprising results… Does money really make you happy?Money can’t directly buy happiness, but it can certainly buy things that make you happy: A concert ticket, new shoes or a new smartphone. It can all get pretty expensive in the long run… Not being able to afford these “luxuries” makes you unhappy—OR? And let’s not forget: In times of rising prices for almost everything people…

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Highest warning level: Rain roller rolls over Austria

A strong low-pressure system will bring heavy rainfall, gale-force winds and sometimes heavy snowfall, which could massively increase the risk of avalanches and snowfall, especially in mountainous regions. Extreme caution is required! The development of the weather situation must continue to be monitored closely. Heavy rain and storm warning for Lower Austria and the Czech RepublicAccording to the latest calculations by GeoSphere Austria, precipitation will remain extremely high. Heavy rainfall can quickly lead to flooding in Lower Austria and the neighboring Czech Republic. The models show the highest precipitation values…

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Corona: Ministry of Health reassures“not too much cause for concern”

Following the Vienna Medical Association’s warning of a “catastrophic Corona situation,” the Ministry of Health gave the all-clear on Wednesday. The situation is similar to that of the previous year, and there is “not too much cause for concern,” explained Katharina Reich, Director General for Public Health, on Ö1-Mittagsjournal. “Both our wastewater monitoring and our dashboard for hospital admissions, as well as our sentinel surveillance—i.e. the information from the practices of registered doctors—show a constant but slow increase in infections. This development is almost the same as in the previous…

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Novena Masses in Honor of Our Lady of Peñafrancia to commence in Vienna on September 13

The festivities in honor of our Lady of Peñafrancia, spearheaded by the Bikol Society (Austria) in cooperation with the Filipino Catholic Chaplaincy in Vienna, will commence with the nine-day Novena Mass on Friday, the 13th of September 2024, at 18:00, taking place at Salvator am Wienerfeld, Wienerfeldgasse 11, 1100 Vienna, Austria. This spiritual journey will allow individuals to deepen their faith and seek blessings from Our Lady of Peñafrancia. Devotees will be filled with hope, comfort, and strengthened belief as the novena progresses. The Novena Masses will be followed by…

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Expert now warn of massive amounts of rain and snow

From Thursday, a cold front will move into Austria from the northwest while an area of low pressure forms over northern Italy. This will lead to a strong change in the weather, as Harald Seidl, a meteorologist at GeoSphere Austria, explains: “Cold and humid air masses will mix over Austria, which will lead to heavy rainfall in many regions.” Considerable fresh snow is also expected in the mountain regions. The snow line will be between 1000 and 1500 meters. “In some valleys, however, it may also snow below 1000 meters,”…

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Study: A glass of wine a day is not healthy after all

Alcohol is not beneficial to health even when consumed in moderation.A comprehensive analysis shows that even moderate alcohol consumption offers no health benefits when methodological flaws in previous studies are taken into account.High-quality studies found that the risk of death from moderate alcohol consumption is comparable to that of abstinence, calling into question the notion of a safe amount of alcohol.This is the result of an analysis of many different studies on the relationship between alcohol consumption and health. Earlier studies have repeatedly indicated that people who drink less alcohol…

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Study warns: High cell phone use increases risk of disease

By now, we all know that scrolling on TikTok and Instagram for hours on end is not the best thing for us, even though we feel like it relaxes us. However, a relatively unusual piece of information recently emerged in the form of a new study: regular cell phone use is said to be linked to heart disease. The fact that smartphones can also affect our physical health is news to many. But why is that? Cell phone use can lead to cardiovascular diseaseResearchers have found that frequent smartphone use…

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