Why Honey Never Goes Bad – And Other Surprising Food Facts

Honey is a culinary marvel cherished for its sweet flavour and incredible longevity. Unlike most foods, honey never goes bad. Archaeologists have even discovered honey pots in ancient Egyptian tombs, which are still perfectly edible after thousands of years! But why does honey resist spoilage? The secret lies in its composition. Honey is naturally low in moisture and high in sugar, creating an environment hostile to bacteria and other microorganisms. Its acidity further enhances its preservative properties. Bees infuse honey with an enzyme called glucose oxidase, which produces hydrogen peroxide—another…

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Why are most airplanes white?

Most airplanes we see at the airport or in the sky are white. But why is that? Actually, airplanes could be painted in any color. Every airline is basically free to decide on the colors of its aircraft: It can do whatever it wants in terms of design. But why are the vast majority of airplanes painted white? White is cheapThere are indeed reasons for the prevalence of white livery. Firstly, it is once again about money. White paint is used very frequently, so it is also produced in huge…

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Exercise can slow down the progression of cancer

A study from South Africa shows that people who exercise regularly before being diagnosed with cancer can slow down the later progression of the disease and reduce their risk of death. Physical activity stimulates the immune system and hormone balance—both important criteria for the progression of different types of cancer. It is well established that exercise has positive effects on health and can reduce the risk of dying from numerous diseases, such as cancer. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine now shows the extent to which…

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