Call from +4369010537864: Austrian Indians want data

Do you receive calls from the number +4369010537864, and they speak to you in English with a strong Indian dialect? The displayed telephone number, 004369010537864, is the result of so-called call ID spoofing. This involves a telephone computer spoofing the outgoing number and pretending that the call is coming from a different location or telephone network. Number +4369010537864: What is the caller’s destination?・The number belongs to an Austrian mobile network. ・The callers mostly speak English, sometimes German, but always with a strong Indian accent. ・They claim to work for an…

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According to experts, this is the best time for dinner

The question of the right time to eat at night is controversial. Experts now explain why 3 hours before bedtime is best.The question of the best time to eat dinner is a constant source of debate. But what do scientists say? According to the director of the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California, Valter Longo, the ideal time depends primarily on when you go to sleep.The key is to finish your plate at least three hours before you go to bed. If you usually go to bed at…

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