“Bahala na” – understanding the Filipino value

The Filipino value of “bahala na” is a cultural concept that reflects a particular attitude toward uncertainty, challenges, and the future. The phrase “bahala na” is often translated to “come what may” or “leave it to God,” and it signifies a combination of acceptance, faith, and resignation. Here are some key aspects of this value: 1. Faith and Trust in a Higher Power: “Bahala na” often implies entrusting the outcome of a situation to God or fate. The term “Bahala” is derived from “Bathala,” an ancient Filipino deity, indicating a…

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Does flight mode really help when flying?

Yes, flight mode (also known as airplane mode) on electronic devices does help when flying. Here are several reasons why: 1. Regulatory Compliance Safety Regulations: Most aviation authorities, such as the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) in the United States and EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) in Europe, require passengers to use flight mode during takeoff and landing. This is to ensure that electronic devices do not interfere with the aircraft’s communication and navigation systems. 2. Electromagnetic Interference Reduced Interference: Modern aircraft are well-shielded against electronic interference, but there is…

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Deadly secret about Light and Zero revealed

A long-term study with half a million participants shows the dangers of diet drinks. Life expectancy decreases by up to 15 percent. Highly processed foods such as frozen pizza, bacon, and sausages are extremely harmful to health. According to US researchers, highly processed meat and soft drinks are the most dangerous. This also includes light and zero drinks. They contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, acesulfame potassium, stevia, and other additives that are not found in whole foods. For a previously unpublished long-term study, researchers at the National Cancer Institute…

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Which travel documents do I need to take with me on vacation?

ID card, driving license, or passport? The travel season has begun – and with it, questions about the required travel documents arise every year. Yvette Polasek, the travel expert at ÖAMTC, dispels a few myths. Croatia is part of the EU and has been part of the Schengen area since 2023. There are no more border controls – so I can leave my passport and ID card at home, right? Wrong! Border crossings without identity checks do not mean that you can travel without a valid travel document. Travelers must…

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WHO STUDY: Austria, international leader in alcohol consumption

In its latest status report, the World Health Organization (WHO) draws attention to the fact that almost three million people die every year as a result of drinking too much alcohol. Austria is an international leader in alcohol consumption. For historical reasons, Beer is drunk in abundance in this country. On average, every person aged 15 and over in Austria drinks twelve liters of pure alcohol per year – if you exclude the alcohol content of wine, beer, or spirits. Austria is primarily a nation of beer drinkers, says Jürgen…

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Science confirms: The ideal time to get up

A recent scientific study has found that people who get up early have a longer life expectancy. According to research findings and an article in the girlfriend, the time at which you get up has a significant impact on your health and well-being. The study shows that people who get up early tend to live healthier lives and have a lower risk of chronic diseases. This group benefits from a better sleep rhythm, higher productivity and an overall more positive outlook on life. A regular and early start to the…

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Buying a car: leasing or financing? Advantages and disadvantages at a glance

Every year we are faced with the tiresome question of whether it is cheaper to finance or lease a vehicle. Not everyone knows the differences. We therefore take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both options and tell you for whom each is worthwhile. Whether it’s your first car or your fifth: You rarely have enough money to pay for the new vehicle in cash. It is therefore a common solution to pay for the vehicle gradually in installments. But what’s best for you: financing or leasing? We…

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Swimming fun with caution: what rules you should follow

We’ve been longing for summer for months. But now it’s finally here, with lots of sun, sport, games, fun, cocktails, fries, and lots and lots of ice cream. All this makes for carefree days in the outdoor pool, by the pond, and at home by the pool. Here are some important dos and don’ts to ensure that no shadow falls on the cheerful idyll and that the 2024 bathing season remains a good memory without accidents or worse. A well-known lifeguard in Germany for his television appearances, among other things,…

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Researchers: migrants are indispensable

Without people with foreign citizenship, it would no longer be possible to do business in certain sectors, emphasized sociologist Jörg Flecker from the University of Vienna at an online press conference organized by the Science Network Discourse. In the cleaning and care of buildings, in the hotel and catering industry, and the provision of temporary workers, for example, more than half of the dependent employees are not Austrian citizens, while in the food industry, construction, and care, a third are still Austrian citizens. “If a third of the workforce is…

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