One in three adults does not get enough exercise

The World Health Organization (WHO) speaks of a “wake-up call”: Almost a third of all adults do not get enough exercise. This is an increasing threat to health worldwide, according to a study published on Wednesday. More than 31 percent of all adults – or 1.8 billion people – did not get the recommended amount of physical activity in 2022. “Physical inactivity is a silent threat to global health and contributes significantly to the burden of chronic diseases,” said Rüdiger Krech, WHO Director of Health Promotion, in an online press…

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The healthiest choice: hot meals for lunch or dinner?

Traditionally, we enjoy a hot meal between 5 and 8 pm. But it used to be different. Half a century ago, it was common to eat a hot meal at lunchtime, a practice that continues in many countries to this day. But which is healthier: a hot meal for lunch or dinner?Eating a hot meal at lunchtime is generally better. Freshly prepared meals often contain less sugar than a sandwich, reports Nutritious and fillingHot meals tend to be more nutritious and contain vegetables, meat, fish or cereals. These not…

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Scammers lure you in with fake jobs: How to recognize job scamming

Fraudsters are increasingly luring people in with job offers that promise big money. AK gives tips on how to spot fake jobs. On job platforms such as LinkedIn or Xing, there are always job offers that entice you with a home office and a high income. Such job offers are also sent by email, and many influencers advertise jobs on social media that allow you to earn a lot of money without a lot of work. What all job offers have in common is that they bring losses and trouble.…

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New warnings: Corona is getting closer again

It looks like not everything is over and perhaps the next pandemic is already lurking around the next corner. The peak of the wave is still to come On the vacation island of Mallorca, a drastic increase in coronavirus cases is being recorded before the start of the vacation season. “The disease is currently widespread on the islands – and the trend is still rising,” reports the Spanish Ministry of Health. Two new variants are said to have an impact on the rising number of cases: The new Covid variant…

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Effective methods against fruit flies

Fruit flies are one of the biggest household pests, especially in the kitchen. Despite their harmlessness, they can be very annoying, especially when they appear in large numbers. To get rid of the small insects permanently, some measures are necessary, according to an article by Freundin. First of all, you should eliminate all potential attractions for fruit flies in your kitchen. Muddy fruit, a dirty garbage can, or organic waste are ideal breeding grounds for these pests. It is important to clean the garbage can regularly, dispose of overripe fruit,…

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Good sleep: What is the ideal temperature in the bedroom?

You’ve probably already noticed, but it’s harder to sleep when it’s too hot or too cold. This can be explained scientifically and there is even an ideal temperature that is supposed to guarantee a better night’s sleep. The effects of sleep on our health and productivityThe heatwave is (finally) over; many of us have suffered as a result. Sleeping in the heat is very uncomfortable: we toss and turn in our sheets, sweat, and struggle to get to sleep. As a result, we get tired and this can affect our…

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Vienna is the “most liveable city” for the 3rd time

Austria’s capital city has once again completely impressed in the “Global Liveability Ranking” – Vienna once again came first out of 172 competitors. When it comes to the points that count, Vienna always manages to score full marks. This year, for example, the British “Economist” once again named Vienna the most liveable city, rating stability, healthcare system, education and infrastructure. A total of 172 cities underwent this evaluation. For the third time in a row, however, there was only room for Vienna in first place. Another major European city made…

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A psychiatrist explains the difference between burnout and depression

Mental health has been taboo for a long time and is an important topic today, especially in the world of work. However, many people confuse the various disorders. Anxiety and anxiety, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia or depression and burn-out. These two mental health problems are common but have little in common. It is important to distinguish between them since they do not have the same symptoms, and the treatment of one is ineffective for the other. What is a burnout?Unlike depression, burn-out is a disorder, not a disease. “The difference is…

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According to a study – how long does the ideal holiday last?

Scientists have investigated how long one should ideally be away in order to take full advantage of a holiday. Do we need a vacation? And how long should a vacation last? And apart from the ideal length, what factors determine the degree of “energy and efficiency” that we take to work after vacation? In fact, there is an ideal holiday length when it comes to a Finnish study. A study by the University of Tampere in Finland shows that it is best to take 7 to 11 days of vacation…

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