These are the cheapest beaches in Europe

Summer is here, and the desire to go on vacation is growing. But many people have to watch their wallets in times of rising prices and inflation. Our ranking of the cheapest beaches in Europe is just what you need! Plus: Which destinations are the most popular with Austrians? First, the cheapest beach in summer 2024 is Playa de Las Canteras on Gran Canaria. Holidaymakers can rent a sun lounger with an umbrella for just three euros a day, a beer from the beach bar costs 3.50 euros, and a…

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Mosquito invasion after flooding in Vienna

An increasing number of mosquitoes are currently making themselves felt in Vienna. According to mosquito expert Bernhard Seidel, this is because two weeks after the floods in Lower Austria, a brood of flood mosquitoes hatched all at once. According to Seidel, the Viennese should soon remove their uninvited guests. “If it stays nice, the flood angels will be history in three weeks.” Improvement. Overall, Vienna is experiencing “a normal mosquito year”, Hans Peter Führer, a parasitologist at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, told ORF. “The last two years were…

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Summer heat: How to recognize that you should drink more water

When it’s hot, it’s particularly important to drink enough fluids. But how can you tell? A dermatologist explains.A skin tension test should show whether the body is sufficiently hydrated. For example, you form a fold of skin with your thumb and index finger on the back of your other hand. It should quickly snap back to its normal position if you let go of it. If the fold is slow to smooth out again, this is a sign of poor skin tension, indicating dehydration. Time to have a drink. So…

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30 degrees and more: temperatures remain summery

After a sunny and warm start to the week, it will remain summery throughout Austria in the coming days. The expected temperatures of around 30 degrees are in line with the season. However, the likelihood of rain will increase from the middle of the week. The meteorologists at Geosphere Austria (formerly the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, ZAMG) also forecast an increased tendency for thunderstorms in the second half of the week. According to the forecast, it will be mostly sunny on Tuesday. A few clouds are most likely…

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Table manners: Avoid these bad habits on vacation

Good table manners are different in different cultures and can vary greatly. However, here are some general things to avoid to avoid appearing rude, especially on vacation: General things to avoid: Being late: Punctuality is valued in many cultures. Try to arrive on time for meals or invitations. Elbows on the table: In many cultures, resting your elbows on the table is considered impolite. Speaking with your mouth full: It is generally considered impolite to speak with your mouth full or to make noises while eating. Using cutlery incorrectly: Find…

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WLAN vs. WiFi: What’s the difference?

In everyday life, WLAN and WiFi are often used interchangeably, but some differences are not obvious at first glance. According to an article in Techbook, the two terms are closely linked but have different origins and meanings. WLAN is a “Wireless Local Area Network” and refers to a wireless local network connecting devices such as computers and smartphones. It is a general term that describes the type of network. WLAN is the German term for this technology and is often used in Europe. On the other hand, WiFi is a…

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Travel documents on vacation: What you need to know

The peak travel season has begun, and ÖAMTC travel expert Yvette Polasek clears up some myths about passports, ID cards, and more. Find out why a valid passport or ID card is essential. The peak travel season has begun, and ÖAMTC travel expert Yvette Polasek is using this time to clear up some myths about passports, ID cards, and the like and summarize the most important information. “A travel document is required whenever you cross a border – even when traveling within the EU and the Schengen area. This also…

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Did you know? This is what the “i” in iPhone actually stands for

Why is the iPhone called the iPhone at all? What does the lowercase letter “i” at the end stand for? Anyone who thinks they know is probably wrong because the whole truth has almost been forgotten. It’s actually quite clear: Apple’s world-famous nomenclature began with the first iMac in 1998 – iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. That’s right, but what did the little “i” stand for in the knobbly all-in-one? Worth knowing: The “i” in iPhone doesn’t just mean “Internet”Some Apple users think they know the answer and shout: Internet!…

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Bad choices in the morning – Six foods for breakfast are heavy on the stomach all day long

A healthy and balanced breakfast is particularly important for a good start to the day. Read on to find out which six foods you should avoid eating in the morning.Breakfast is not called the most important meal of the day for nothing: After all, what we eat in the morning provides the energy base for everything that follows. It is therefore very important to do something good for your body early in the morning. There are, of course, many healthy options to start the day. Experts recommend a varied meal…

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