Meteorologist predicts: Hot summer is coming – but when?

Meteorologists are expecting temperatures of at least 27 degrees next week, with temperatures in Austria potentially reaching as high as 30 degrees. Despite these high temperatures, stable summer weather is not yet in sight. Summer will not be able to assert itself fully for the time being. Forecasts for June continue to point to changeable weather with lots of precipitation. This rainfall does not typically occur in high-pressure areas, which indicates that low-pressure areas will also continue to influence the weather. This means that there will be a constant change…

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Innovation for Wiener Linien tickets from July 2024

From July 1, the seven-day and 31-day tickets, which have only been available digitally since 2022, will also be available as transferable paper tickets in future. Passengers will then also be able to choose the validity period freely. The ticket range is being standardized. The new transferable season tickets will replace the existing weekly and monthly tickets, Wiener Linien announced in a press release on Tuesday. In future, the period of validity can be freely selected, and the validity according to calendar weeks or months will no longer apply. After…

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Travel: Climate change brings new challenges

Due to climate change, conditions in vacation destinations are sometimes changing, which can significantly dampen vacation enjoyment and endanger health. This is because temperature and weather have an impact on possible diseases in the destination country. A number of pathogens – transmitted by ticks or mosquitoes – are increasingly penetrating new habitats. You don’t have to fly to faraway countries for this. Changes are already noticeable on vacation in Austria. For example, ticks are on the move much earlier – even as early as January – and are now almost…

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Floral Offering Ceremony at the Grounds of Viennese City Hall In Vienna, Austria

On the occasion of the 126th Philippine Independence Day Celebration, the Philippine-Austrian Cultural Society (PACES) organized a significant event at the Vienna City Capitol Garden: the Floral Offering Ceremony of the Catalpa Tree. This ceremony symbolizes the deep and enduring bond between the Philippines and Austria, highlighting the strong relationships between the two countries. The Catalpa Tree, first planted in 1998 during the Philippine Centennial Anniversary of Independence, holds special significance in the Viennese City Hall Garden. Its trumpet-shaped flowers serve as a representation of the promising future of Philippine-Austrian…

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Which fruit contains the most sugar?

When discussing a healthy and balanced diet, we cannot ignore fruits, as they are known for their numerous benefits and contributions to the desired nutrition of the human body, such as vitamins, essential minerals, fiber, water and antioxidants. The promotion of fruit consumption for a healthy diet has been recognized worldwide, even by the World Health Organization (WHO), which has promoted its well-known campaigns for the consumption of 5 portions of fruit per day. Despite the described benefits of eating fruit, we must not forget one element they contain: natural…

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Dangerous mosquitoes are spreading rapidly

A total of 130 locally acquired dengue diseases were registered in the EU, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland in 2023, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC),, based in Solna, Sweden, announced on Tuesday. In 2022, there had only been 71 cases. “Europe is already experiencing climate change, providing more favourable conditions for invasive mosquitoes to spread to previously unaffected areas and infect more people with diseases such as dengue,” said ECDC Director Andrea Ammon at a press conference. Due to climate changeThere is a “link between higher temperatures…

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Vienna is one of the happiest cities in the world

Whether the Finns are the happiest people in the world has already been debated. The annual World Happiness Report claims the former, while a Swedish study claims the opposite. Be that as it may, according to the findings of the London-based Institute of Quality of Life and its Happy City Index, Helsinki is not the city with the happiest inhabitants in the world, but Aarhus in Denmark. Although the Finnish capital doesn’t do too badly either, it is ranked 6th, Vienna is 14th, Innsbruck is 29th, and Graz is 48th.…

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Is it good to drink beer with ice cubes?

In summer, when the sun is beating mercilessly on our necks, and we seek refuge in the shade, in the bath or in the garden, we like our drinks ice-cold. Whether it’s a spritzer, cola or coffee – drinks are ordered on the rocks. One drink is the exception: beer. Austria’s favorite alcoholic drink is never, really never, served with ice cubes. In theory, you would think that the beer would stay cold for longer, and you would have to down it less quickly (if you wanted to). “Generally speaking,…

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126th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence

This year marks the 126th anniversary of the Philippines’ independence, a significant milestone that embodies the Filipino people’s courage, resilience, and unity. Throughout the nation, celebrations are taking place, including flag-hoisting ceremonies, parades, festivities, and artistic and historical reenactments that pay tribute to the triumphs and struggles of our people in their pursuit of patriotism. Philippine Independence Day serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by Filipinos in the name of democracy and underscores the enduring importance of civil rights. The fostering of strong community bonds and the celebration…

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