THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS Coronavirus worldwide: vaccination skepticism runs rampant in Southeast Asia

More than 182 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 3.9 million infected people have died. About 3.2 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. Among other things, high mortality rates in the 2020 Corona year have led to a decline in life expectancy in the United States. The latest developmentsDespite high infection rates, millions of people in Southeast Asia remain skeptical of vaccinations. The reason appears to be disinformation on social media. Both local sources and vaccination opponents from the…

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Austria opens: What applies now?

Starting today, Austria implements COVID 19 relaxations – here are the rules for a carefree summer. Tested, recovered vaccinated – many things only with 3 GGreen passport: in gastronomy, tourism, leisure businesses (e.g. gyms), theaters, cinemas, schools, at events with more than 100 people and trade fairs or congresses, visitors must prove one of the 3 Gs. The age limit is raised to 12 years.Finally the night gastronomy is allowed to open againBars, clubs and discos: the clubs that have been closed since mid-March 2020 unlock from today. “Dancing and…

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Vienna tightens 3G rules: Mandatory testing for children 6 and older

While Corona rules will be further relaxed in Austria from July 1, there will be tightening in Vienna. Mandatory testing will be extended to children 6 years and older, and living room self-tests will no longer be considered admission tests. 3G rules in Vienna: mandatory testing for children aged 6 and olderChildren from the age of six will also need a Corona proof in places where the 3G rule applies – for example, in restaurants. This will usually mean that a test will be required, as children are usually neither…

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Successful test flight for flying car

The prototype of a flying car successfully completed a test flight in Slovakia on Monday, BBC reported today. The plane had flown from Nitra to Bratislava, a distance of about 75 kilometers. The plane-car hybrid has a BMW engine and runs on conventional gasoline, the BBC writes. According to the inventor of the “AirCar,” Slovak Stefan Klein, the vehicle should be able to cover a distance of 1,000 kilometers at a flight altitude of 2,500 meters. Visually, the “AirCar” is reminiscent of an invention from a James Bond film: within…

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Starting 1 July 2021 – this will be more expensive for you

With July 1, there are not only Corona relaxations, but also numerous changes that will put pressure on the Austrians’ wallets in the future. From Thursday, the mask obligation is history in many places, the Corona curfew in pubs will be lifted, the minimum distance is no longer and the square meter restrictions in retail will also be dropped. With 3-G rule can finally be celebrated and danced into the night again. But the Corona relaxations aren’t the only thing that will be new starting July 1. With this date…

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1 July 2021: EU-wide “Green Passport” comes into force

The EU’s digital Covid certificate comes into force on Thursday. It allows a QR code to prove that a person has been vaccinated against Corona or tested negative or has survived an infection. The certificate will be recognized in all 27 EU countries as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Travel within Europe should thus become easier. However, there are still different requirements for entry into the countries. The entry regulations of the individual countries differ, for example, in the duration of validity of convalescence certificates and test results,…

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Catholic church: no more FFP2 mask obligation

In Catholic churches, starting tomorrow, Thursday, instead of the FFP2 mask obligation, only the obligation to wear a mouth-nose protection (MNS) applies at public services. According to the rules of the Bishops’ Conference published on Wednesday, the mask can be completely omitted outdoors and if the validity of the 3G rule is agreed for celebrations on a one-off occasion such as baptism, first communion or confirmation, reports Kathpress. Further MNS obligation at church servicesAt church services, the 3G rule does not apply – hence the obligation to wear the MNS…

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Fake vaccine: arrests in Uganda

At least 800 people have been vaccinated with a fake coronavirus vaccine in the East African country of Uganda. This had been administered between mid-May and mid-June, mainly in private hospitals in the capital Kampala, an official of the presidential office said today, according to dpa. There have already been two arrests, and one medical practitioner is wanted by police, Warren Namara said. In Uganda, as in 13 other African countries, the delta variant of the coronavirus is currently spreading rapidly. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there have…

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Vienna government implements its own COVID rules starting Thursday, 1 July

The Vienna Corona Summit with Mayor Michael Ludwig and high-ranking experts was eagerly awaited on Wednesday. After all, Ludwig had expressed extreme skepticism in advance (due to the spread of the highly contagious delta variant) about the broad opening steps taken by the federal government – putting it on the line that Vienna will not support all opening measures. “The health care crisis is not over yet. I see it differently than some politicians in Austria,” Ludwig explained. “The virus doesn’t take a vacation. In comparable countries, a strong dynamic…

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