59 new corona infections in Austria

From Tuesday to Wednesday, there were 59 new Corona infections in Austria. Compared to the previous week (117 cases), there are 58 fewer cases and thus the 7-day incidence also decreases to 6.37. Since there are also 138 new recovered cases, the number of active cases drops below 2,000 to 1,959. In addition, there are two new deaths associated with Covid 19 infection. In the past 24 hours, 63,305 new PCR tests were performed, for a positive rate of 0.09. The new infections in the provincesVienna: 41Lower Austria: 13Burgenland: 4Tyrol:…

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Corona infection figures rise again worldwide

The number of reported Corona infections worldwide rose slightly last week for the first time since mid-April. That was reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva. At the same time, fewer deaths from Corona infection were reported worldwide than at any time since November 2020. The figures relate to the seven days to June 27. The figures from Africa are particularly worrying, he said. “Inaccurate planning or assessment of infection risks allow the virus to spread,” WHO warns. The WHO is calling on authorities to pay strict attention…

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20 percent fewer new cases: RKI reports further decline in incidence

The trend continued. The experts of the RKI record fewer new Corona infections and a once again decreased incidence. However, the number of deaths increased slightly on a weekly basis. Health offices in Germany have reported 808 new Corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. This is according to figures from the morning, which reflect the status of the RKI dashboard as of 4:12 am. By comparison, the figure a week ago had been 1016 infections. The RKI gave the seven-day incidence as 5.2 nationwide (previous…

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29 new corona infections in Austria on Tuesday

New infections with coronavirus in Austria remain at a low level. In the past 24 hours, 29 new infections have been registered across Austria, according to figures from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior (as of 9:30 a.m. Tuesday), which is far below the seven-day average of 89 cases per day. However, a data adjustment in Carinthia has a massive impact on the statistics. There, the figures were corrected downward by 35 cases. Seven-day incidence also lowWith the low number of cases, the seven-day incidence of…

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Tens of thousands of vaccination appointments available throughout Austria

Everyone who wants a vaccination should have received two stitches and be fully immunized by September, Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens) announced Tuesday. To prevent a fourth Corona wave, 80 percent of the Austrian population should be fully immunized by the fall. Currently, we are at 37 percent of the over-12s. At present, however, vaccination readiness looks poor: Several provinces report that vaccination appointments are available but not yet booked. In Upper Austria alone, almost 89,000 appointments are free. This “registration valley” in the summer was to be expected, says…

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Where you still have to wear a mask starting tomorrow, 1 July 2021

From July 1, the fabric masks celebrate a comeback. One is no longer obliged to wear the FFP2 masks. Starting 22 July the obligation to wear mask would no longer be necessary. Until then, however, it will still be necessary to wear masks in places of daily use, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, public transportation and its stations, and museums. However, the familiar fabric mask will suffice. An FFP2 mask with its significantly better filtering effect is then not even mandatory in hospitals and nursing homes. Everywhere else, the mask…

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Moderna stimulates immune response against delta variant

According to Moderna, a U.S. vaccine manufacturer, the vaccine stimulates an immune response against the Delta variant of Corona. Biontech also protects against Corona variantsLaboratory studies using blood from vaccinated individuals have also shown the effect in several other coronavirus variants, the company said Tuesday in Cambridge. Moderna vaccine also effective against Delta variantThe research was based on blood samples from eight participants, taken one week after the second dose of vaccine. The results have not yet been reviewed by other scientists. A detectable immune response in a vaccinated person…

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Viennese Mayor wants to “insist on continuing to wear masks indoors”

As of July 1, Austria will continue to relax. Accordingly, the Ministry of Health presented the 2nd COVID-19 opening regulation on Monday. As announced in advance, from July 1 there will be no more curfew under the Corona regulations, also the mask requirement will be relaxed or lifted. In addition, the minimum distance of one meter and the square meter restrictions will be dropped. Everywhere where the 3-G proofs apply, the mask requirement will basically be omitted as of July 1. However, there are exceptions for old people’s and nursing…

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Vacation despite Corona: The most important Covid regulations at a glance

The vacation season is here despite the coronavirus pandemic. With July 1 marking the launch of the EU-wide Green Passport, whose digital Covid certificates are recognized in all 27 EU countries as well as Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, travel – at least within Europe – is about to get easier ahead of the approaching summer vacations. Many countries, like Austria, have recently relaxed their entry restrictions. Nevertheless, there are still different requirements for entry in the states. Here’s an overview of popular vacation destinations and the rules that apply…

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