The celebration of lovers: Where does Valentine’s Day come from?

It is the only time when men buy more flowers than women: Valentine’s Day. Every year on February 14, the florists’ stores are buzzing. But why do we celebrate Valentine’s Day first, and how did the custom come about? Flowers, gifts, and love letters—for many couples, these are all part of February 14. But where does Valentine’s Day come from? Is it really a romantic day or pure profiteering? There is a popular rumor that says the latter, claiming that florists brought the day into being. The origin of Valentine’s…

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Can you fill up on vitamin D through the window?

Vitamins play a central role in the body. However, the body cannot produce them itself. Therefore, vitamins must be continuously supplied in sufficient quantities through food, the sun (in the case of vitamin D), or at least through supplementation. In winter, however, the days are shorter; the days are usually spent indoors in frosty temperatures, and vitamin D suppliers are therefore reduced. So, how do we replenish our vitamin D stores without the sun to stay healthy? As we all know, the sun is in short supply in the winter.…

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Measles outbreaks in Austria: “Virus can now spread rapidly”

Measles is back: not only in Vienna have numerous people fallen ill (“Die Presse” reported), a measles outbreak was also recently registered in Tyrol, and people in other federal states have also fallen ill with the highly contagious virus. There are currently just under 60 confirmed cases in Austria. Lukas Weseslindtner, virologist at the Medical University of Vienna, is sounding the alarm: “There are several hotspots of different viruses,” he says on Ö1’s Morgenjournal. “And since this virus is very, very contagious, it can now spread rapidly if not enough…

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Number 015211210617 calls – do not answer!

Calls to the mobile number 015211210617 are illegal and fake. If you see the number on the display, you should not accept the call but block it immediately. Find out what’s behind it here. The phone rings, you see the number 015211210617, and then you hear a recorded message. That alone is strange enough and indicates that the number is being spoofed by call ID spoofing. The displayed number is generated by a dial-up computer used by a call center to make spam calls. What is known about the number…

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Fraudulent letters: warning from the City of Vienna

The City of Vienna issued a warning on Wednesday about fraudulent letters claiming to come from city departments or authorities. The letters are apparently being sent by post to Viennese households. The letters request that the recipient enters sensitive and personal registration data in an internet form. For this purpose, a QR code is to be scanned or an internet link followed. City of Vienna: Letter with logosFailure to do so results in a threat to delete the data from the Central Register of Residents. This is where the fraud…

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Sunshine follows a cold front at the weekend

Temperatures are set to rise again in Austria over the next few days. According to the forecast by Geosphere Austria (formerly ZAMG), this is due to the effects of a high-pressure wintry influence on Saturday. Only on Friday evening will a cold front reach us from the Bregenzerwald to the Salzkammergut. The end of the working week will initially be heralded by clouds in the morning, especially in the west and north due to another disturbance zone. Some fresh snow will initially only fall above around 1300 to almost 2000…

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Instead of potato chips: Healthy snack alternatives

Potato chips are one of the most popular snacks of all. Not only are they a calorie bomb, but they also contain substances that are harmful to health. But you don’t have to do without tasty snacks. Here, you can find great alternatives to this high-calorie and fatty snack. Vegetable crisps Potato chips don’t just have to be made from potatoes, and you can easily prepare them yourself at home. To make vegetable potato chips, cut thin slices of sweet potato, beetroot, or zucchini and mix with a bit of…

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Do you drink too much sparkling water? These are the risks

Drinking carbonated water is a popular thirst quencher, but we often hear that it could be unhealthy. But what is the real truth behind this assumption? Carbonated water does contain carbon dioxide, but only a small amount. Most of the CO2 is in the form of dissolved gas. Nonetheless, there are concerns about the effects on the body’s acid-base balance, tooth enamel, and weight. Severe acidosis in the body can lead to hair loss, brittle nails and aching joints. Dentists warn that carbonated drinks can lead to erosion in children…

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This is what happens when a fly lands on your food

Flies circling around you while you’re eating are probably annoying for most people, but nothing you give a second thought to. That could change from now on when you see what flies do when they land on your plate. Instead of taking a large bite of your schnitzel, “they spew a kind of saliva directly onto your food,” according to a YouTube video. That’s because flies can’t chew like humans. “This saliva contains digestive enzymes that break down the food into a slurpable liquid.” The fly then sucks this up…

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