Filipino Nurses and Midwives in Austria: A Legacy of Excellence and Compassion

In the 1970s, the first wave of Filipino nurses arrived in Austria, marking the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership between the two countries. When Austria faced a shortage of hospital personnel, the Philippine government answered the call by sending skilled and dedicated nurses to fill the gaps in the healthcare system. Through a bilateral agreement between the two nations, Filipino nurses were given the opportunity to pursue their careers in Austria while also providing much-needed support to Austrian patients. Over the years, Filipino nurses have earned a reputation…

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Weekend weather in Austria

A weak low-pressure system will ensure unsettled weather in Austria until further notice. It will rain again and again in the coming days, with thunderstorms also on the cards. The sun will make an appearance from time to time, but only briefly. There will initially be some residual clouds and localised fog patches on Friday. These will clear in the morning, and the sun will appear. However, clouds will quickly form. The first rain showers will appear in the east in the morning. From midday, the probability of rain showers…

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Caution trap: ‘Refund from ÖGK’ (Austrian Health Insurance) is a phishing email

When it comes to money, people get reckless. An adage that practically every phishing attempt is based on. A warning about fraudulent phone calls by criminals pretending to be PayPal employees was issued just yesterday. Refund of the ÖGK?The next warning today: Mails are currently doing the rounds that appear to be about a refund from the Austrian Health Insurance Fund ÖGK. You should click the link to receive a refund of just over 100 euros. ‘Caution! These messages are an attempt to defraud you. Do not open the link…

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400-year-old mystery of our sun solved

An international team of researchers has dedicated itself to solving a puzzle about the sun that already occupied Galileo Galilei. The background is the formation of our star’s magnetic field. Astronomers have always had difficulties locating it. New calculations by a NASA supercomputer now show that the magnetic field is probably generated around 32,000 kilometers below the surface. This is significantly less deep than originally assumed. Previously, there were indications that the origin was around 210,000 kilometers below the surface. The new results were published on Wednesday in the scientific…

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Austria: Diasporas have a pull effect

A Viennese research team has investigated the extent to which existing immigrant communities in different regions influence the choice of residence of other migrants. The result: diasporas have a pull effect. In Austria, one hundred people attract around twelve new arrivals per year. The team led by lead author Rafael Prieto-Curiel from the Complexity Science Hub (CSH) wanted to find out to what extent the principle of ‘birds of a feather flock together’—a mechanism known in science as ‘homophily’—can be understood on the basis of data from Austria and the…

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New telephone scam: ‘PayPal account was debited with 999 euros’

Spam calls have become an everyday nuisance for many Austrians. The scammers always adapt their approach slightly to deceive their victims. A scam circulating in a similar form in Germany for several weeks apparently spreads to Austria. ‘Your Paypal account will be debited with a payment of 999 euros. Press 1 to authorise the payment and 2 to cancel it,’ says the message on the tape. It doesn’t matter what you press, and you will be forwarded to a call center in any case. A supposed PayPal employee then tries…

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How many steps per day really bring health benefits?

The more a person walks, the lower their risk of dying early from various diseases. This has been confirmed by an analysis of 17 studies from all over the world with a total of almost 227,00 participants. However, the number of daily steps required to achieve health benefits is lower than previously assumed. The researchers write in their meta-analysis that just 4,000 steps are enough to reduce deaths from any cause significantly. The study, published on Wednesday in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, found that walking at least 3,967…

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Pamana IV – Philippine Festivals Parade on 1 June 2024 – 13 Hours

The vibrant and colorful Filipino Festivals Parade in Vienna is set to showcase the beauty and diversity of the Philippines’ rich cultural heritage. Organized by the European Network of Filipino Diaspora-Austria (ENFiD-Austria), this historical event brings together the Filipino community in Austria and beyond to celebrate their roots and traditions. Now in its 4th year, the Filipino Festivals Parade will feature representatives from 17 European countries, FilCom, and international organizations based in Vienna. Leading the parade will be the renowned Musikkapelle Musikverein Leopoldau, a multi-awarded music band in Austria, with…

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Wienliebe premiere on Rathausplatz

The Wienliebe Festival will debut on Rathausplatz from May 24 to May 26 next weekend. Culture, culinary delights and products from Vienna will take centre stage. The aim is for the Viennese to get to know their city in a new way. Vienna will show itself from different sides for three days, from Friday to Sunday. Numerous live acts will be performed on the stage where Festival Week has opened. Culinary delights will be provided by numerous well-known restaurateurs. Stalls with handicraft products and a food market await visitors. The…

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