Up to 30 degrees possible again on Sunday

Vienna – Austria is expecting another early summer weekend with temperatures up to 30 degrees. The weather will then change on Monday. As the experts from Geosphere Austria predicted on Thursday, a disturbance front will bring cooler days and precipitation to almost all of Austria. 20 to 28 degrees on SaturdayHigh air pressure will continue to dominate the weather on Saturday. The sun will continue to shine almost undisturbed from the morning until the evening. Only thin patches of cloud in higher layers will adorn the sky. The wind will…

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Temperatures reach up to 30 degrees again at the weekend

Austria is in for another summery weekend with temperatures of up to 30 degrees, after which a disturbance front will bring some cooling and rain showers starting Monday.After an early summer weekend with temperatures of up to 30 degrees, the weather will change on Monday. As the experts from Geosphere Austria forecast on Thursday, a disturbance front will bring cooler days and precipitation across almost all of Austria. However, high air pressure will continue dominating the Alpine region’s weather today, Friday. This means the sun will shine from an almost…

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A winter comeback follows record heat

The coming week begins with pleasant weather in Austria, with warm temperatures and sunshine. However, a change in the weather is imminent, ushered in by a cold front. This will bring showers and even cause snow to fall in parts of Austria. First 29 degrees, then snow returnsThe weather in Austria is showing its sunny side at the start of the week. Warm temperatures and an increased southerly wind prevail in the run-up to a low-pressure system over the Atlantic. However, visibility will be somewhat impaired by Saharan dust. The…

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Too hot and too dry: extreme temperatures in Austria

Is it still spring, or is it already summer? Many people are asking themselves that at the moment. A glance at the thermometer makes you sweat even more.If you compare the past few weeks with the average from 1991 to 2020, it was 3.7 degrees too warm in Upper Austria. An alarming value—it was the warmest March since measurements began. And climate change continues unabated. Tangible proof of this: This weekend, temperatures that hardly fit in with April as we used to know it. The reason is warm air masses…

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Weather madness in April: The weekend began with summer temperatures

It was already around 25 degrees from early Saturday afternoon in some places. This is considered the meteorological-climatological limit for a “summer day”. The highest temperature in the Geosphere Austria measuring network was 29.5 degrees at the University of Innsbruck. It will remain summery on Sunday, with afternoon temperatures between 24 and 29 degrees. Occasionally, even 30 degrees are possible. Earliest heatwave day?That would be the earliest heatwave day (at least 30 degrees) in Austria’s measurement history, and it would be ten days earlier than the previous record. The earliest…

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Forecast: up to 30 degrees possible this weekend

In the coming days, the earliest hot day with 30 degrees in a calendar year is possible in Austria. The weekend and Monday will bring plenty of sunshine and summery temperatures. It will be unusually warm during the day, with highs between 23 and 28 degrees. Occasionally, even 30 degrees are possible, especially on Sunday and Monday, Geosphere Austria reported on Friday. A hot day on Sunday would be ten days earlier than the previous record. Earliest heatwave day with 30 degrees possible in Austria’s measurement historyThe first “30” to…

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English to become a more common language of instruction in Austria

English is to be offered more frequently as a language of instruction in schools. This option was enshrined in law around a year and a half ago. Education Minister Martin Polaschek (ÖVP) has now sent a draft regulation for review, in which details such as curricula are anchored. The school experiments on the subject, which are currently only offered at a few institutions, will be transferred to the regular school system. There will also be the option of bilingual teaching in primary schools. The measure will come into force for…

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Weekend temperature will rise to just below the 30-degree mark

In the coming days, we can expect unusually high temperatures for the time of year. On Saturday and Sunday, temperatures will rise just below the 30-degree mark. According to the forecast by Geosphere Austria, Monday and Tuesday will also be extremely summery and sunny. Sunny start to the weekendIn most of Austria, the weather will be quite friendly on Friday, with some sunny spells lasting longer. North of the Alps, however, there will also be some clouds in the middle layers, while the partly high fog in the south may…

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Up to 30 degrees: Summer knocks on the door in April

The year 2024 is still young, and yet the apricot trees in the Wachau are already in full bloom, and walkers enjoyed the sun in short-sleeved shirts last weekend. No wonder, as February and March were the warmest months in the country since records began. On Easter Monday, the temperature climbed to 28.5 degrees in Vienna. After a short cold front on Tuesday, temperatures of 24 to 29 degrees are even forecast for the coming April weekend. On the northern side of the Alps, from Tyrol to the Mostviertel, 30…

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