Austrians are eating less and less meat

Just over a quarter (27 percent) of the Austrian population is eating slightly less meat compared to two to three years ago, while eleven percent are even consuming significantly less meat. Women have reduced their consumption more than men. Consumption has remained the same for around half of those surveyed (52 percent), according to an Iglo trend study of 1,015 respondents published on Wednesday. Households with children often eat more meat, with 14 percent increasing their consumption. Over a quarter of Austrians are eating less meatFor two-thirds of people, the…

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Austria: New bonuses from the government in 2024

Since January 1, 2023, family benefits in Austria have been valorized. Specifically, the family allowance, the multiple-child supplement, the child tax credit, the childcare allowance, and the school-starting allowance will now be adjusted annually in line with inflation. For the coming year, 2024, families in Austria will receive 9.7 percent more as a result of the valorization. That is up to 2,200 euros more per year. In addition, the EU’s so-called “Work-Life Balance Directive” has been implemented since November. One effect of this is that the family time bonus, i.e.,…

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Study shows: The use of plastic chopping boards can be harmful to health

This very commonly used kitchen utensil could be making you ill without you even realizing it. It’s actually frighteningly easy to make a lot of mistakes when it comes to kitchen hygiene. Few people realize that the dirtiest part of the kitchen isn’t the garbage. Or that you need to watch your kitchen sponge to avoid health risks. As The Kitchn reports, a new study has come up with some very worrying findings regarding plastic chopping boards. Yes, that harmless-looking thing most of us have that just sits on the…

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Planning your 2024 vacation: How to make the most of the public holidays

Vacation planning can’t start soon enough, and in 2024, there are plenty of days off to be had with clever planning. If you plan cleverly, you can significantly extend your vacation in 2024 and even double the number of days off. The ÖGB has put together an overview for this year for all those who don’t usually have to work at weekends and on public holidays. Tips for vacation planning in 2024: How to make the most of the public holidaysRight at the start of the new year, there are…

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Warning of new virus wave “in the coming weeks”

The number of coronavirus infections remains very high. In addition, cases of the real flu are likely to rise sharply in the coming weeks. In the last week of the year, almost 190,000 people were sick in bed with flu-like infections—the real flu or coronavirus—and were unable to go to work. This means that the number of cases has decreased compared to the previous week. At that time (calendar week 51), around 300,000 people were still registered as sick with the health insurance fund (ÖGK). The figures include ÖGK-insured employees…

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Car fines, ORF fee, vignette: what will change in 2024

The coming year will bring many changes. Find out what will be more expensive and where you can get more or save money here. Car fines, ORF fee, vignette: what will change in 2024In the future, speeding cars can be confiscated, while flagrant speeding violations could be auctioned off.What’s in store for us in the new year? From March, speeding cars can be auctioned off. The brilliant national team travels to Germany in June for the European Football Championship. The super-election year is coming up, with EU elections, National Council…

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These price increases are fixed: where we will pay more in 2024

These inflation rates are fixed. Where will we pay more in 2024?Even being ill will be more expensive next year; the prescription fee is increasing. Here’s an overview of where else you can expect higher costs. Austria’s salary will rise noticeably in the coming year. This is partly because new collective wage agreements have already been reached in many sectors (average increase: around 9 percent) and partly because the government is finally eliminating the “cold progression” pay rise, i.e., a slide to the next salary level when you receive a…

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The weather forecast for the start of the new year 2024

There doesn’t seem to be any real winter cold in Austria at the turn of the year. Geosphere Austria’s meteorologists expect a mild westerly flow with a slight disturbance influence for the coming week. The forecast for the individual days: The weather in the new year 2024 will be mildMonday: In the eastern half of Austria, the new year will start with dense clouds from a cold front, bringing rain and showers with a snow line between 700 and 1,000 meters above sea level. However, the weather will calm down…

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Only one day left! What you have to do now because of the ORF fee

The old GIS fee is only valid for one more day. From Monday, all Austrian households will have to pay for ORF. What do you have to do now? First, the good news is that ORF will be slightly cheaper starting Monday for those who have already paid the GIS fee. The bad news: Anyone with a television who has not paid anything to date will be asked to pay the new household fee. This applies regardless of whether you consume ORF or not. Even those who do not want…

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