Survey: These are Austrians’ most common New Year’s resolutions for 2024

Sport, losing weight, or a healthier lifestyle: New Year’s resolutions are simply part of New Year’s Eve. This year, there are big differences in the plans of singles and people in a relationship. 85 percent of Austrians have New Year’s resolutions. This is according to a study conducted on behalf of the online dating agency ElitePartner by the digital market and research institute From November 29 to December 9, 2023, 1,510 web-active Austrians between the ages of 18 and 75 were surveyed, 476 of whom were single. The results…

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Austria – Up to 2,200 euros more: this bonus will increase from 2024

The family allowance, the multiple-child supplement and the child deduction, the childcare allowance and the family time bonus, and the school starting allowance are adjusted annually in line with inflation. For 2024, families in Austria will receive 9.7 percent more from 1 January due to the valorization. That is up to 2,200 euros more per year. “By increasing family benefits in line with inflation, we have been able to achieve significant relief for families in Austria. I am very proud of this because families are the heart of our society…

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Almost seven billion schillings were not exchanged

As of November 30, 6.8 billion shillings worth 497 million euros had still not been exchanged. Of these, three billion schillings are banknotes, and 3.8 billion schillings are coins. Most shillings are found in books between the pages, in laundry boxes, and generally during house clearances. The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) informed the APA in response to an inquiry. This year alone, 900,000 10-groschen pieces were exchanged. A total of just under 56,000 schilling banknotes and 2.7 million schilling coins were exchanged. This resulted in a total of 17.2 million shillings,…

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Austria: What will change in health insurance in 2024

The new year 2024 will improve the health sector for those with health insurance. Examinations such as prostate MRI and coronary CT will be covered by health insurance throughout Austria, and there will be a subsidy for psychological treatment. Reimbursement of costs following visits to elective doctors will be faster starting July 1 because they will have to send their fee notes digitally to the health insurance fund. Implementation of the recently adopted healthcare reform is also set to begin. Changes to health insurance benefits for those with health insurance…

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Austria: What 2024 will bring for salaries

The public sector and the metalworkers will be scratching at the 10 percent mark. Pensioners are also in this range. In the retail sector, salary increases are still being debated. According to WIFO, inflation could fall to 3.2 percent in 2024. This is how salaries will look in 2024Salaries in the public sector will rise by 9.15 percent on January 1, at least by 192 euros. For the lowest salaries, this means an increase of 9.71 percent. Bonuses and allowances will also be increased by 9.15 percent. Directly affected are…

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Higher CO2 tax makes refueling more expensive as of 1.1.

The CO2 tax will be raised at the turn of the year, with 45 euros to be paid for one ton of carbon dioxide in the future. This will also affect refuelling, so ARBÖ recommends filling up your car before January 1st. Driving will be more expensive in 2024 due to climate protection measuresFrom January 1, 2024, a liter of diesel will be 3.7 cents more expensive, and a liter of petrol will cost 3.4 cents more, ARBÖ President Peter Rezar calculated today. However, he is concerned that there could…

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Home loan savings, pensions, transfers | Money and finance: What will change in 2024

The premiums for home loan savings and state-subsidized retirement provision (“Zukunftsvorsorge”) will remain unchanged in 2024. The home loan and savings premium will again be 1.5 percent, while the premium for future provisions will remain 4.25 percent. In the coming year, a maximum deposit of 1,200 euros per year will also be subsidized for building society savings, with a maximum premium of 18 euros. The maximum possible subsidy for future provisions, on the other hand, will increase slightly. The upper limit for subsidized payments is linked to the ASVG maximum…

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Up to 18 degrees: It’s warmer on Christmas Day than on Easter

On Christmas Day, the friendly and sunny weather character will predominate in the west and south, and there will often only be high clouds in the sky; any early morning fog will soon dissipate. In the north and partly also in the east, there will still be some denser patches of cloud, but short showers will remain the exception here, too. The snow line will mostly be above 2000m above sea level. The wind will blow weakly to moderately from predominantly westerly directions, brisk in the country’s northern parts, sometimes…

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On December 25 and 26 | Shopping around Christmas: The opening hours at a glance

On December 25 and 26, special opening hours apply for food retailers on public holidays. Food markets at major train stations and airports can open, but this is not everywhere. (The exact times of the locations can be found here: Sonderöffnungszeiten | BILLA). Another option on Sundays and public holidays is petrol station stores and unmanned vending machines. A third of Austrians buy presents in the last week before Christmas, some just before the festive season. Petrol stations and pharmaciesPetrol stations are open just as long as on other public…

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