Weather warning | Cold snap in Austria: Where the most snow falls

The weekend will bring cold and snow to Austria. The meteorologists at Geosphere (formerly Zamg) even issued a weather warning on Friday. This is because the stormy north-westerly wind on the mountains is causing cold and humid polar air and, thus, clouds and precipitation to accumulate on the northern side of the Alps. The areas from Vorarlberg, from the Bregenz Forest to the Styrian Salzkammergut and the Mostviertel are particularly affected. “It will snow here until Sunday evening, sometimes persistently and heavily,” says meteorologist Thomas Turecek. The snow line will…

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Rain and snow are expected this weekend in large parts of the country, including Vienna

It’s going to get much colder all over Austria this weekend. Geosphere Austria is even expecting snowfall in large parts of the country. The snow line will drop to up to 300 meters as early as Friday. Even lower temperatures are then expected at the beginning of the new week. The forecast in detailA cold front will move across Austria from the north on Friday. There will be widespread rain and snow, with snowfall levels also starting to fall from the north, from 1,000 meters at the beginning to up…

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Every third Viennese does not have an Austrian passport

Vienna – A third of Viennese (34 percent) do not have an Austrian passport, according to the city’s integration monitor presented on Tuesday. Most of the people who have immigrated since 2014 come from EU or EFTA countries and have higher educational qualifications: 25 percent have a school-leaving certificate, and 38 percent have completed higher education. According to the study, young people whose parents came to Vienna from non-EU countries are also increasingly succeeding in advancing their education. Better school-leaving qualifications than parentsEven particularly disadvantaged groups are increasingly achieving better…

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School cancellation: Figures almost back to pre-corona level

According to a special report created by the Federal Office for Sectarian Issues, the number of homeschooling registrations has now sharply decreased once more after peaking during the 2021–2022 school year. The Ministry of Education predicts that this year will probably see another attainment of the pre-corona level.Notably, higher fives on external examsAt the same time, there is a kind of trend towards “homeschooling tourism” in Germany, where the option to withdraw from school does not exist in this form. In Austria, there is no obligation to attend school, only…

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A new corona variant in Austria

In the midst of the coronavirus wave, a new coronavirus mutation is now causing a stir. The JN.1 variant is said to be even more contagious. As soon as winter arrives, the coronavirus not only dominates the infection scene again but also produces new offspring. After Eris (EG.5) and Pirola (BA.2.86), the JN.1 variant is now causing a stir in research circles. “JN.1 popped up in France a few weeks ago and caused a small outbreak in the north,” explains virologist Monika Redlberger-Fritz from MedUni Vienna. According to the expert,…

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It is going to be extremely cold: Expect temperatures as low as -10!

ArticleParts of Austria are in for some cold hours this week. Low temperatures of up to minus ten degrees are expected. Light snowfall is also possible in the north. However, this week will start off a little strange and unpredictable. On Monday, in the north and east, clouds will still move through at times in the morning and short showers are possible in the mountains. However, sunny spells will become more frequent and longer during the day, especially in the lowlands. Further west and south, the sun will shine more…

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Corona numbers are on the rise; this is how many have now been hit

More and more offices, workshops and production halls are deserted. The reason is that many people currently have to stay in bed. More than 260,000 sick days were counted across Austria last week. But it is not only the classic flu that is to blame, as is traditionally the case at this time of year, because the number of coronavirus infections is now rising again. In Upper Austria alone, around 3,000 positive cases were recently registered. A month ago, the figure was just over half that, at around 1,700 people.…

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“Delete immediately”: Ministry warns of fraud scam

Internet fraudsters are trying to obtain citizens’ data with the help of fake e-mail messages in the name of Finanz Online. The Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) is warning against fake e-mail messages sent to citizens in the name of Finanz Online. The fraudulent messages contain information that the recipients should call up a link and enter their data to receive a refund. The sender of the messages appears to be “FinanzOnline.” The Federal Ministry of Finance continuously warns against such and similar fraud attempts, which are made via various…

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The onset of winter: snowfall is also possible in Vienna

The weather will be windy and increasingly unstable starting Friday, with snowfall in the east up to 500 meters in some places. The coldest weather is expected from night to Sunday, after which it will become significantly warmer, starting from the west, according to Geosphere Austria’s forecast on Wednesday. Thursday will still be sunny in many placesOn Thursday, an intermediate high-pressure system will initially ensure sunny weather. Only between the Tyrolean lowlands and Mostviertel will there be light rain from some denser clouds. The snow line will be around 1,200…

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