At the weekend comes the significant weather fall

For the time being, Austria’s peaceful late-summer weather has ended: From night to Sunday, a cold front will reach Austria, which will cause a significant cooling. In the morning, the experts of Geosphere Austria forecast locally also minus temperatures. In the north and east, Friday will start with a few remaining clouds, but sunshine will soon prevail here. Otherwise, the sun will shine from early to late, and it will be hot for this time of year in the afternoon. In the Danube region, a moderate westerly wind will blow…

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Salary Report – how much one earns in Austria

According to the new salary report, incomes rose 8.9 percent this year. The pharmaceutical industry pays the best, and the catering industry pays the least. The highest salaries are in Vienna. The median income in Austria is 50,633 euros gross per year (up 8.9% from 2022), according to the new salary report from recruiter Stepstone. This is the “median,” which means 50% are above and 50% below this value. More than 40,000 data points were analyzed for this purpose.The disadvantages faced by women were also surveyed. Assuming the same conditions…

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Record number of summer days in October

October is not yet two weeks old, but new record values have already been measured for the number of summer days. By the 10th of the month, there were already four days with at least 25 degrees in Eisenstadt, for example, according to an evaluation by Geosphere Austria. The previous record was three summer days, reached in four years, last in 2011. There were two summer days each in the provincial capitals this year in St. Pölten, Linz City, Salzburg Airport, Freisaal, Innsbruck, Vienna, Hohe Warte and City Center. Graz…

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End for the cell phone signature

As of December 5, Austrians will have to change their digital identity for good. On this date, the ID-Austria will finally replace the cell phone signature that has also been used. Also accepted in other EU countriesFlorian Tursky (ÖVP, Austrian People’s Party), Secretary of State for Digitalization, justified the change with the technical security standards. In addition, he said, ID-Austria also meets European standards so that it can be accepted in other EU countries. According to Tursky, the cell phone signature currently has 2.8 million users. However, 1.5 million also…

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Annual average wage in Austria

Have you ever wondered why you can afford less despite wage increases? The reason is real wages. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), these have slipped worldwide due to inflation and last year’s weak GDP growth – and for the first time this century. Wages cannot keep pace with steadily rising consumer prices. That means less purchasing power despite higher salaries. The figures are based on data from Numbeo, the world’s largest cost-of-living database. All amounts have been converted from US dollars to euros. Austria: Average €28,290There is no…

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Climate bonus voucher not collected: What happens now?

A surprising number of people have not received their Klimabonus voucher in person at the post office. What will happen to the returned vouchers now?When the increased climate bonus was announced last year, many people were rightly delighted. In an extensive payout campaign, on the one hand, direct transfers of the amount were made to the account officially deposited with Finanz-Online. On the other hand, a Sodexo voucher was sent by RSa letter, which could be redeemed at all partner companies or exchanged for cash at the bank partner. Also,…

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Austria can look forward to late summer weather in the coming days

Temperatures will climb again to almost 30 degrees! With the support of a high-pressure area over the Balkans, very mild air will reach the country’s east again on Monday. With the passage of a short wave trough, however, it remains unstable in the northeast. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the high-pressure influence from the southwest continues to increase, and the stable and hot weather for the time of year thus prevails nationwide. On Monday, clouds will quickly dominate in the north and east after a partly friendly start, and rain will…

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Storm warning for the east of Austria

From the night to Sunday, often dense cloud fields will move across the sky; for the time being, they will remain without precipitation. There will be a few clearings in between more often in the south. The wind from the west will blow briskly in the north and east; some gusts will be vital. At higher altitudes, the wind will often be gale-force. Significant differences exist in the lowest temperatures; depending on the wind, the lowest temperatures range between 6 and 20 degrees. Possible effectsGeoSphere Austria meteorologists warn of these…

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Fuel at the gas stations is getting more and more expensive

Fuel prices are rising again in Austria. Diesel drivers are particularly affected. Diesel is already ten cents more expensive than Super. Bad news for motorists: they have to pay more at Austria’s gas stations again, and diesel drivers are being hit. If the litre of diesel was still two cents more expensive than Super on average at the beginning of September, the difference was already ten cents at the end of the month, reports the ÖAMTC. The reason for this is bottlenecks in imports. These are also related to the…

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