Repair bonus restarts after fraud cases – this time customers have to pay in advance

According to the Climate Protection Ministry, a “second chance for electrical appliances” should be the repair bonus, And the repair bonus is now also getting a second chance. After accumulating fraud cases, the campaign was paused in the summer. As of September 25, it will continue with an “additional safety net,” according to the ministry. Up to 50% of the repair costs for damaged electrical appliances, including smartphones, toasters, televisions, and lawnmowers, are covered by the repair bonus. The maximum funding amount per repair is 200 euros. People residing in…

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Covid, influenza, RSV: Who should be vaccinated when and with what?

For COVID-19, 38 people were hospitalized in Austria in the middle of July; however, the data are incomplete. In the week ending September 10, 183 people were hospitalized. A new wave of COVID is therefore building up, as also shown by the data from wastewater monitoring. The virus load measured in wastewater from sewage treatment plants corresponds to April. Since Monday, the new COVID-19 vaccine has also been available at the first vaccination sites. In the next few days or at the beginning of next week, all doctors who will…

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Summer weather in autumn: will we get a golden October?

Summer in Austria has offered us a lot of variety in terms of weather. From sun to rain and storms to heavy thunderstorms and hail, everything has been there. Can autumn bring back a little stability in this respect? This year, the beginning of autumn falls on September 23. The penultimate season will be mostly dry, though subject to change, according to the 100-year calendar. Still, it’s worth taking a look at more current forecasts. Warm OctoberAfter an above-average warm September with temperatures of over 30 degrees in some places,…

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A cold front with rain roll now overtakes Austria

Without an umbrella, you should not leave your four walls on Tuesday. In places, it is pouring rain. The “Jan” low-pressure area’s cold front is already moving eastward on Tuesday, and a new intermediate high-pressure system is developing over southwestern Europe. Thus, the weather temporarily calms down; it becomes late summer again. The next low-pressure system is expected to arrive on Friday. On Tuesday, widespread rain showers will fall. While it will dry up from Upper Austria to northern Burgenland during the day, the showers will retreat to the mountains…

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Housing support in Vienna: 200€ new bonus for people whose income is below the poverty line

The payout for the housing support bonus announced in June is imminent. The Wiener Wohnunterstützungspauschale 2023 is a new benefit from the City of Vienna that will help around 245,000 people in Vienna with 200 euros. According to the City of Vienna, this lump sum is paid unbureaucratically and without an application. But when is the payment made? And who receives the bonus? According to the office of City Councilor Peter Hacker, this particular payment is primarily received by people whose income is below the poverty line, i.e. all recipients…

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Late summer takes only a short break

It won’t stay rainy for long, though; the sun will return as early as Wednesday, Geosphere Austria (formerly ZAMG) reported Sunday in its weather forecast for the coming week. It remains decidedly mild. The details: On Monday, there will initially be some fog or haze in basins and valleys at the start of the new working week, which, however, will gradually clear. Apart from that, the sun will once again shine widely. On the other hand, the first clouds of a cold front will arrive in Vorarlberg in the morning…

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Late summer returns for the last time after rain

For Saturday and Sunday, meteorologists forecast temperatures of up to 29 degrees with only a few clouds. After some rain showers on Friday, late summer returns to Austria again this weekend. Meteorologists predict temperatures of up to 29 degrees for Saturday and Sunday, accompanied by only a few clouds. But on Tuesday, the magic will end with a cold front from Germany. Friday will start with early morning fog patches, which will also be more persistent south of the main Alpine ridge. Otherwise, the sun will shine frequently throughout the…

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New super radar already flashes at this speed

Since 2020, radar devices have been successively replaced throughout Austria. The new devices are much more accurate; the tolerance is lower.Throughout Austria, older radar units are being upgraded to new, more accurate equipment. As a result, drivers will face more fines. Speeding is a massive problem in road traffic. In 2021 alone, there were 944 accidents with personal injuries in Upper Austria due to “inappropriate speed.” Last year, new radar equipment was installed on the A1 in Asten near Linz. And this is how the “super radar” works: A laser…

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COVID Infection in Austria – an upward trend

Midsummer is history, and with the start of school last week – as in previous years – the question arises: What does this mean for CoV infections? One thing is sure: even during the endemic phase, surprising and problematic viral variants may emerge. The number of infections is rising again, albeit at a low level. Still, the upward trend has continued for a few weeks now – this can be seen from the current data of the wastewater monitoring and the sequence analyses of AGES. The viral variation EG.5.1 (also…

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