Recommendation for travellers – How much you should tip on vacation – and where it’s even mandatory

A friendly driver or an attentive waitress: good service is often rewarded with a tip in this country. But what about financial appreciation abroad? In most countries, a tip of five to ten percent of the bill is the right amount. You should dig deeper into your pocket in the USA or Canada, where 15 to 20 percent is expected – unless a service charge is already included in the bill, as the Association of German Banks explains. In American restaurants, in particular, tipping is an unspoken obligation. If you…

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How Much Water Should You Really Drink Per Day?

Water is essential for life. It makes up about 60% of our body weight and is crucial for maintaining bodily functions. However, there is often confusion about how much water we should drink daily. This article aims to clarify the recommended water intake, factors influencing hydration needs, and practical tips for staying adequately hydrated. The Common Recommendation: 8×8 Rule The most well-known recommendation for water intake is the “8×8 rule,” which suggests drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, totaling about 2 liters or half a gallon. This guideline…

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The True Measure of Wealth: Money or Free Time?

In our modern society, the debate about the value of money versus free time is perennial, touching on core aspects of human fulfillment and well-being. On one side, money is often seen as the gateway to security, comfort, and the ability to fulfill dreams and aspirations. On the other hand, free time is an essential component of a balanced life, offering the space to relax, reflect, and pursue personal passions. To determine which is more important, we must examine the implications of each on our lives, their potential to provide…

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A consequence of climate change? Why the weather is becoming more extreme

The earth is warming, and the consequences are severe: Many European countries are being hit with heavy rain or heat waves with increasing frequency. After the summer droughts of the past few years, the weather seems to be taking a turn in the other direction this year: flooding, continuous rain, hail, squalls, and thunderstorms. Such weather extremes are becoming more frequent and, according to experts, cannot be attributed solely to the short-term state of the weather. Regarding the intensity and frequency of heavy rain and heat waves, climate change also…

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Number 015170294736 – Fraud calls with a new final number

The scammers with the number 015170294736 appear to have bought consecutive SIM cards. Technically well-equipped call centers try to defraud their victims daily with automated calls. The number 015170294736 is a well-known scam, but it still seems worthwhile. The phone number 015170294736 is just one of a whole series of scam numbers. We have already warned you about 015170294730 and 015170294731. Now, they are trying a new final number. The cell phone numbers are displayed using call ID spoofing, while the perpetrators are based in a call center. What does…

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iPhone 16: Apple upgrades one model in particular

There are still a good two months to go until Apple presents the new iPhone 16. There will be four variants again, but this year the iPhone 16 Pro will likely be a particular focus for customers. Apple is making sure of this with an overdue feature addition. iPhone 16 Pro: Report confirms tetra prism camera againIt’s not the first time we’ve heard about it. A few weeks before Apple lets the cat out of the bag, the Taiwanese industry magazine DigiTimes is now also reporting on Apple’s new upgrade…

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“Bahala na” – understanding the Filipino value

The Filipino value of “bahala na” is a cultural concept that reflects a particular attitude toward uncertainty, challenges, and the future. The phrase “bahala na” is often translated to “come what may” or “leave it to God,” and it signifies a combination of acceptance, faith, and resignation. Here are some key aspects of this value: 1. Faith and Trust in a Higher Power: “Bahala na” often implies entrusting the outcome of a situation to God or fate. The term “Bahala” is derived from “Bathala,” an ancient Filipino deity, indicating a…

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Does flight mode really help when flying?

Yes, flight mode (also known as airplane mode) on electronic devices does help when flying. Here are several reasons why: 1. Regulatory Compliance Safety Regulations: Most aviation authorities, such as the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) in the United States and EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) in Europe, require passengers to use flight mode during takeoff and landing. This is to ensure that electronic devices do not interfere with the aircraft’s communication and navigation systems. 2. Electromagnetic Interference Reduced Interference: Modern aircraft are well-shielded against electronic interference, but there is…

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Deadly secret about Light and Zero revealed

A long-term study with half a million participants shows the dangers of diet drinks. Life expectancy decreases by up to 15 percent. Highly processed foods such as frozen pizza, bacon, and sausages are extremely harmful to health. According to US researchers, highly processed meat and soft drinks are the most dangerous. This also includes light and zero drinks. They contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, acesulfame potassium, stevia, and other additives that are not found in whole foods. For a previously unpublished long-term study, researchers at the National Cancer Institute…

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