This is how you should eat: The 10 rules of nutrition

Almost sixty percent of adults in Europe are overweight or obese. According to the WHO, this has led to an alarming increase in diet-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer in recent years. A guide to a healthy lifeFor this reason, the Austrian Academic Institute of Nutritional Medicine (ÖAIE) has developed ten contemporary commandments for a healthy diet based on scientific facts. According to ÖAIE President Prof. Kurt Widhalm, they are aimed at everyone. People with a problem with overeating or perceived malnutrition can benefit from…

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Boost your defenses against illness by following these suggestions.

They are on the rise again—sick leave. The flu-like infection, the common cold, currently tops the list of virus-related absences, followed by coronavirus. And some cases of the real flu, influenza, have already been recorded. How do I stay healthy now? You can get preventive vaccinations against viral diseases such as COVID-19, influenza and the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Good hygiene also helps. And especially important: taking care of the body’s defences. What the body can doThe immune system doesn’t just work hard during the virus season. We are constantly…

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Why a midday nap is good for the brain

According to a recent study, taking a power nap during lunchtime has a positive impact on the brain. According to researchers, regular short naps could even reduce the risk of dementia. A study found that taking naps during the day benefits the brain.A new study now makes the siesta tasty! Regular midday naps are said to keep the brain more significant for longer. What is meant by this? Here is a brief excursion into the anatomy of the human body: The vast majority of the nerve cells in our brain…

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Halloween customs

Young and old dress up on Halloween – especially the younger ones- and parade around the houses to demand candy according to Irish custom. Trick-or-treaters demand costumed children, teenagers and adults on Halloween, which is celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1. The motto: the scarier, the better! Many associate Halloween with flashy parties, wild costumes and American-inspired customs. But the history of Halloween is different. Because the origins of the spooky festival lie in – surprise – Europe! HistoryTo be exact, it all started in Ireland,…

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All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day – meaning of the celebrations

On November 1, we celebrate All Saints’ Day. One day after that, that is, on November 2, is All Souls’ Day. But what is celebrated on these two days anyway? And how did these holidays come about? All Saints’ Day is on November 1. The holiday is also called the Feast of the Communion of Saints. All Saints’ Day has its roots in the Christian Orient. Over the centuries, the Catholic Church has canonized many people. The reason for this was that they should serve as a guide for us.…

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Dental hygiene: what the colour of your teeth says about your health

Dental hygiene is essential to our overall health. According to dentists, your teeth say a lot about you, including early symptoms of diseases hiding in your mouth, and also show the mistakes many of us make when brushing our teeth. Teeth are also said to affect one’s sex life. Besides brushing your teeth the right way, you should also pay attention to the colour of your teeth. According to Cleveland Clinic, the colour of your teeth reveals a lot about your overall health and lifestyle. Even if your teeth are…

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2 super-Earths found in habitable zone

The list of places where life could exist in space is growing. With the help of NASA’s TESS satellite, 2 new exoplanets have been found. According to a research team from the Spanish University of La Laguna, they are located in the habitable zone. Both planets were discovered at the star TOI-2095. The red dwarf is 137 light-years away from our solar system. The 2 planets orbiting it have been named TOI-2095 b and TOI-2095 c. Only a little bigger than the earth, but much heavierThe distance between the red…

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Climate crisis should be recognized as a health emergency

The World Health Organization (WHO) should declare the climate and natural crisis a health emergency, according to scientists worldwide.More than 200 scientific journals simultaneously issued a call to do so before the next World Health Assembly in spring 2024. These include renowned journals such as “The Lancet” and “The British Medical Journal” (“BMJ”). It is a dangerous mistake to consider the climate and nature crises separately, the appeal says. “The climate crisis and biodiversity loss are both damaging human health, and they are linked,” “BMJ” Editor-in-Chief Kamran Abbasi shared. “Therefore,…

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The inner clock becomes unbalanced when the clocks change to winter time. Here are some tips to help ease this transition.

It’s only one hour, but it can mess up our sleep rhythm. The shift in time throws off our internal clock, which frequently results in sleep disturbances, exhaustion, and difficulties focusing. When the clocks are set back by an hour again at the weekend, many people struggle with fatigue and concentration problems. Our biological rhythm is primarily determined by external factors (zeitgebers). The most important of these zeitgebers is light. In particular, the blue component of the morning sun suppresses the sleep hormone melatonin and promotes the release of serotonin,…

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