Tired, despite lots of coffee? Pay attention to the timing of your first cup

Many of us can’t do without our morning coffee, but the timing of that first cup can be counterproductive to getting the desired energy boost. If you’re feeling tired despite having just started the day, with heavy lids and dark circles under your eyes, your first instinct on waking might be to make a strong coffee to kick-start your day. But that morning caffeine boost may not be enough to restore your energy and leave you feeling like a zombie. The problem could be that you’re drinking your coffee at…

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WORLD HAPPINESS REPORT: These are the happiest countries in the world

For the seventh time in a row, the happiest people in the world live in Finland. Austria has slipped in this year’s happiness ranking. Every year, the countries with the happiest inhabitants are chosen for the “International World Day of Happiness.” For the seventh time in a row, the happiest people live in Finland. Austria slipped down the rankings slightly this year. The report is about people’s subjective assessments of their own lives. The survey covered the period from 2021 to 2023. Despite the war in Ukraine, people in Northern…

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Is there a difference between the shiny and the matt side of aluminium foil?

Aluminium foil is a ubiquitous helper in kitchens around the world, but one detail of its use is always confusing: Should you wrap food with the shiny or the matt side of the foil? An article on Den Offentlige sheds light on this aspect and provides a surprisingly simple explanation that many people are unaware of. The difference between the shiny and matt sides of aluminium foil is not just a matter of appearance. According to the Danish supplier Cares.dk, which specializes in cleaning products and household items, among other…

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“Red alert” for the global climate

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) published its 2023 annual report in Geneva on Tuesday. This is further evidence of the ongoing global warming – 2023 was the hottest year since records began. And the past ten years have been the hottest decade worldwide since temperature records began. WMO chief Celeste Saulo spoke of a “red alert” for the global climate. The global average temperature in 2023 was around 1.45 degrees above the level before industrialization (1850 to 1900) – and thus only just below the limit of 1.5 to 2.0…

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Modem or router: What do I need for the Internet?

You need a modem for Internet access. You need a router to give several devices Internet access. For an Internet connection, you first need an Internet connection, which you can order from the Internet provider of your choice. To connect a PC, laptop, or smartphone to the Internet, you need a modem. You plug this into the Internet socket in your home using the cable supplied. However, you will also need a router if you want to connect several devices to the Internet simultaneously. This means that if you really…

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These foods sound healthy, but they’re not

We all want to eat healthily. Many foods have health benefits we don’t want to miss. However, some other foods masquerade as healthy superfoods when, in fact, the opposite is true. The health halo effectAccording to experts, this phenomenon is known as the “halo effect.” In the food industry, the phenomenon manifests itself in certain labels on the packaging of various foods, such as “high in fiber” or “low in calories,” to give the impression that they are healthy. In reality, however, these foods are highly processed and, therefore, anything…

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What helps if your cell phone falls into water

A spilled drink, a fall in the snow, or a drop in the bathtub, and your smartphone is already wet. If moisture gets inside the device, this can lead to malfunctions. There are many instructions on the internet on how to dry your smartphone quickly. Apple recently issued an official warning about one of these methods: rice should never be used to dry a soaked iPhone. But which emergency measures are effective? On the Internet, you often read the tip to put a wet cell phone in a bowl of…

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Why you should never pour away pasta cooking water

Pasta is a perennial favourite in the kitchen. And rightly so, because they are delicious, quick, and easy to prepare. But you shouldn’t underestimate the pasta water, either. As a secret ingredient for saucesThe water is ideal for perfecting the pasta sauce as soon as the pasta is cooked al dente. The pasta water contains starch, which can thicken sauces very easily. The cooking water is suitable for pestos, dips, and sauces of all kinds, making them nice and creamy. The best way to do this is to stir the…

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Energy efficiency in spring: expert tips on heating and ventilation

In the spring, the conditions for heating and ventilating your home change. Although the days are getting warmer, the nights are often still cool, which requires an adjustment in heating habits. According to myHOMEBOOK and expert Markus Lau from the German Liquid Gas Association (DVFG), the transitional period offers great savings potential for consumers.Lau recommends running the heating constantly on a low setting to save energy, especially in poorly insulated old buildings. Proper ventilation also plays a crucial role. In spring, you should ventilate three to four times a day…

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