In the era of digitalization, it is impossible to imagine life without our smartphones. We are constantly typing away on it or sending photos. But for this reason, you should also turn it off sometimes. Anyone with a smartphone knows the need to be constantly reachable or play games on it. Email, photos, or short messages can be sent to another person with a swipe across the screen. Practical, but the uninterrupted use of the cell phone has its disadvantages. The constant companionThe Südkurier asked whether the constant use of…
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These drinks are ideal in the heat
Our bodies need water. And quite a lot of it – after all, adults are made up of about 50 to 65 percent water. The recommended amount is two to three litres daily to keep the body and mind functioning. The best thing about water is, of course, that it is sugar- and calorie-free. At the same time, sugar, in particular, can additionally dehydrate us. But sometimes, when we sweat a lot, it is advisable to drink other beverages. Which are. The reason you should sometimes reach for drinks other…
Read MoreAirport security: why you have to unpack your laptop
Having to unpack items from your carry-on luggage at the airport, sometimes even removing belts and taking off your shoes, annoys many air travellers. Why laptops must pass separately through the X-ray machine at the security check at most airports is unclear to many people. According to Science Alert, scanner performance is the main factor in this. Not a problem before 9/11X-ray machines at airports typically have relatively low power. The rays cannot penetrate certain materials. Parts in laptops thus form a kind of shield under which dangerous objects could…
Read MoreThis mistake is life-threatening in the heat
On the occasion of the persistently hot temperatures, the ARBÖ issues an urgent warning. Only 30 minutes can be enough. After the somewhat “cooler” days again, Austria is facing unbelievable temperatures of up to 38 degrees this weekend. The risk of tragic incidents related to this heat increases – especially in cars. The ARBÖ, therefore, renews its warning not to leave children or animals in the vehicle under any circumstances. This also applies to a short stop at the pharmacy, for example. If the outside temperature is only 24 degrees,…
Read MoreSummer heat: These foods should be in the fridge now
If there’s one thing the heat is good at, it’s making us sweat profusely. But it’s not just us as humans who need to cool down during high temperatures; some foods are also better off in a cold place during the summer. After all, bacteria and mould can multiply much faster in heat and high humidity. So that you don’t have to throw away food because the heat has caused it to spoil, we’ll tell you which foods are better off in the fridge now. Usually, cold-sensitive vegetables should not…
Read MoreNow official: aspartame classified as “possibly carcinogenic” by WHO
It is in soft drinks, light products or ready meals. Now the WHO has classified the sweetener aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic.” What does that mean? Vienna – The topic has been circulating through the press for weeks. Since Friday, it has been official: the sweetener aspartame has been classified as “possibly carcinogenic” according to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) cancer research IARC. Aspartame is one of eleven food sweeteners approved in the EU: it is found in soft drinks, yogurt, chewing gum, desserts, dairy products or reduced-calorie products, among others.…
Read More165 million people slip below the poverty line
In recent years, 165 million additional people worldwide have slipped below the poverty line, according to a UN report. Because of the covid pandemic and the subsequent economic upheavals since 2020, the daily money available to those affected has fallen below the threshold of $3.65 (about 3.26 euros), the UN development agency UNDP said Friday. A total of just over 1.65 billion people live below that threshold.“This figure could have been even higher if governments had not launched social programs and economic stimulus packages during the Corona crisis,” said UNDP…
Read MoreHeatwave: 7 lifehacks to cool down the apartment
The next heat wave is rolling in. You stay cool even on super hot days with these tricks!With over 30 degrees, many are currently sitting in their apartments sweating. Those who work from home and have to look after the children simultaneously – thanks to heat-free days and school vacations – desperately need cooling down! Circulatory problems and night sweats do not have to be. Here’s how to remedy the situation – without air conditioning. Ventilate – but adequately!You must ventilate even if you don’t want to open the window.…
Read MoreCity of Vienna to recruit Filipino nursing staff: City, chamber of commerce and Philippine embassy have signed a memorandum of understanding
Vienna – The City of Vienna, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) and the Philippine government, represented by the Philippine Embassy, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” on Friday, July 7, 2023 to recruit Filipino nurses and caregivers. This is intended to strengthen recruitment of Filipino personnel, improve training recognition and simplify emigration requirements. As a result, nursing professionals will soon be recruited from the country of 115 million people. Good contacts have already been established with the Philippine authorities through a pilot project, said WKO Secretary General Karlheinz Kopf. “Especially…
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