Egypt, the world’s oldest mummy, discovered

Recent archaeological excavations in Egypt have led to the discovery of a mummy dating back some 4,300 years, making it the oldest mummy in the world. The discovery was made near the Pyramid of Saqqara, about 30 kilometers from Cairo. This discovery represents an important archaeological treasure and a unique window into the life and funerary customs of the ancient Egyptians. In this photo gallery, we explore the details of this extraordinary discovery and what it can teach us about Egypt’s ancient history. Egypt, the world’s oldest mummy, discoveredRecent archaeological…

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An Earth-like planet was discovered, and it could be habitable

The discoveryAstronomers have discovered a planet beyond our solar system with an Earth-like mass that may be habitable. A team discovered researchers led by Diana Kossakowski of the German Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (Mpia) in Heidelberg, who published it in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.Where it is locatedThe Earth-mass exoplanet orbits a red dwarf named Wolf 1069 in Swan (constellation), just 31 light-years from Earth. Known as Wolf 1069 b, the planet is estimated to be about the same size as Earth and also about the same mass.How it…

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Why does one get hungry

Maybe you know the feeling: you haven’t eaten for a long time and have the impression that your growling stomach makes you irritable. You may feel hungry. But why do some people get angry when they are hungry? It is a relatively known fact that people who have not eaten, although hungry, can be easily irritable, angry, or even aggressive. But where does this effect come from? Is being hungry just a welcome occasion to express one’s negative emotions or to excuse a lack of self-regulation? So do some people…

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Microplastics also reach the brain

Tiny micro- and nano-plastic particles (MNP) can enter the body through food, as is well known, and even into the brain. How these particles cross the blood-brain barrier has been shown for the first time in a research study at MedUni Vienna. The study, published in the journal Nanomaterials, provides the basis for further research to protect humans and the environment, the university announced on Friday.The study was conducted in animals using oral administrations of micro- and nano-plastic particles made from polystyrene, a widely used plastic in food packaging. The…

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El Niño looms, making heat records more likely

Startling records due to climate change have made the planet’s crisis clearer than ever in the past year.According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in its 2022 State of the Climate report, the looming weather phenomenon El Niño also doesn’t bode well, WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said Friday in Geneva. Because El Niño has a warming effect, researchers say a global temperature record could soon be set.The El Niño event, which is likely to develop later this year, “first of all increases the probability that 2023 and 2024 will set…

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Delicious spring vegetables: Enjoy asparagus – but the right way

Gourmets are already looking forward to the asparagus season again. Asparagus season will soon begin – a highlight of the year for fans of the spring vegetable. To ensure that the asparagus on your plate tastes good, there are a few things to remember when buying and preparing it. What are the characteristics of fresh asparagus? When buying asparagus, consumers should use all their senses. Fresh white asparagus smells pleasant; the spears are slightly shiny, have no cracks and are not bendable. However, the firmness should only be tested carefully…

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New study: Columbus was not the first to reach America

Wood analysis shows that Vikings had already set foot on American soil 500 years earlier to import materials to Greenland. A new study could rewrite textbooks: Until now, Christopher Columbus was considered the discoverer of America in 1492. Archaeologists at the University of Iceland present new findings that shake this theory. The Vikings are said to have set foot on the continent 500 years earlier. The archaeologists analyzed wood from five Norse sites in West Greenland that the Vikings inhabited between 1000 and 1400. Some were found to have been…

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Today, April 20, 2023: New moon and total solar eclipse

Today, April 20, will be a very special day for Astro-fans. Because then we will experience a new moon and a total solar eclipse. A spectacle that only happens a few times per century. Rare moon-sun combination on April 20Anyone who is a bit involved with astrology knows: the new moon is a very special phase for fans of zodiac signs, manifestations and the like. Because the new moon always brings motivation, emotional strength and power to tackle new goals. It is, therefore, the perfect time for new manifestations and…

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Life on the plastic waste

According to a new study, the huge plastic waste vortex in the Pacific Ocean is populated by living creatures: Numerous species have “discovered” the floating plastic pieces as a new, permanent habitat for themselves. Old fishing nets, beverage bottles, garbage bags – plastic as far as the eye can see: this is the great plastic garbage vortex in the Pacific Ocean (“The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”). It is estimated to cover 1.6 million square kilometres, 19 times the area of Austria. Invertebrate organisms have settled on 98 percent of the…

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