Good relationships strengthen health

Positive experiences in close relationships are associated with better physical health. That’s according to a study from New Zealand that examined the effects on blood pressure, heart rate and stress management. The research team, led by University of Auckland health psychologist Brian Don, examined the effects of positive and negative relationship experiences on the body. For their study, the researchers analyzed how these experiences, on the one hand, and the health scores of the study participants, on the other, changed from day to day. For the study, which has now…

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Easter: the most important feast for Christians

For Christians, Easter is the central event of their faith. But where does the word Easter come from, how is the date determined, and what is it about the bunny and the eggs? For Christians, Easter, the resurrection of Jesus, is the central event of their faith. Death is not seen as an end but as a new beginning of life. Life triumphs over death, truth over lies, justice over injustice, and love over hate. The Easter Bunny came late, around 1680, as a folk custom. The following day, Good…

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A life without children – Are childless people happier?

Most people are convinced that children are simply part of a happy life. Happiness researchers have now found the opposite. Love, marriage, buying a house and having children. For many, this is what a successful life looks like. Children enrich everyday life and make people happy. Now happiness researchers have discovered that having children does not always make you more comfortable. It is said that children do not always enrich life. On the contrary, they often make people unhappy. A happy life without childrenHaving children can be a burden, both…

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These mistakes must be avoided when taking pain pills

Many quickly reach for painkillers—a pinch in the back, migraine or another discomfort. No matter how bad the pain is, there are some fatal mistakes in taking them that must be avoided at all costs. There are many different ailments that painkillers can or should be taken for. Moreover, there are tons of other preparations and medications and not all are equally suitable for every person or every pain. There are a few things to keep in mind when reaching for painkillers. Even if the discomfort is bad, you should…

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How to protect yourself from cybercrime

The numbers are alarming: 77 percent of Internet users are victims of cybercrime. This new crime phenomenon is becoming increasingly widespread – how can you protect yourself? It’s so convenient to use the comforts of the Internet. Shopping from the comfort of your sofa, online banking saves you a trip to the bank or writing a quick message. However, this luxury is not without its dangers. Anyone who is on the Internet makes themselves vulnerable. That’s because many criminals are on the Net, doing everything they can to steal our…

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Be careful when buying dyed Easter eggs before Easter

The environmental organization “Vier Pfoten” advises consumers to be careful when buying dyed Easter eggs before Easter. Here you can find out what to look for and how best to dye eggs yourself. Austrians eat this festive meal at EasterEaster is egg time: Unlike uncolored fresh eggs, coloured eggs are considered processed and therefore do not have to be marked with the usual identification stamp indicating the origin and farming method. “Fortunately, supermarkets often voluntarily label coloured eggs on the package, especially those from Austria. Nevertheless, the consumers should pay…

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This common mistake when drinking tap water could be harming your health

If you drink water as soon as it comes out of the tap, you may be putting yourself at risk, warn experts. Here’s a simple trick to protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful metals in tap water. What could be easier than filling a glass with fresh, healthy water from the tap? And yet, there is something to consider here, not just the amount you drink. It turns out that your ready-to-serve soft drink may contain several harmful metals – something you don’t want in your body. Here’s…

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Planet Mercury is finally visible

Venus makes a grand entrance in April. It shines so brightly that it can be mistaken for a spy balloon, for example. Stargazers have a rare chance with another planet: Mercury can be seen in the evening. And from the middle of the month, the meteors of the Lyrids appear. With the change of the clocks to daylight saving time, Venus is the first star to appear in the western sky in the last evening twilight. It can be seen in April, long before the other stars and planets become…

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Why does Christianity celebrate Palm Sunday?

The annual Palm Sunday is seven days before Easter Sunday, April 2, 2023. So far, so well known. But why does Christianity celebrate it, and why are palm bunches, palm sticks, palm fronds, olive branches, palm catkins and the like blessed with holy water during the “Palm Consecration” in church? Palm Sunday in Christianity commemorates the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. During his entrance, the people are said to have cheered him as a sign of his kingship and to have scattered palm branches along the way. This was…

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