Herbs have poisonous doubles

A family in Carinthia harvested poisonous – an onion-like herbal plant and used this to prepare a wild herb soup. Luckily, the family had timely identitied the harvested herbs as the known poisonous daffodils. Experts warn of dangerous doppelgängers that look confusingly similar to edible plants. When the green begins to sprout again on meadows and in forests after a long winter, many are already looking forward to wild garlic pesto, nettle spinach and other dishes made from wild herbs. But as an incident in Carinthia has just shown, caution…

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Prince Philip laid to rest at Windsor Castle

04/17/2021 5:14 pm – In a small circle and yet under the eyes of the world public, the British royals have carried Prince Consort Philip to the grave. The royal family bids farewell to Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth II and members of the Royal Family followed the coffin of the Prince Consort to the funeral service at Windsor Castle.Nationwide, people remembered the Duke of Edinburgh, as Philip is known in the United Kingdom, with a minute’s silence. The royal residence Windsor was widely cordoned off. Snipers posted themselves on house…

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Austria commemorates pandemic victims

The leaders of the state, churches and religions held a joint memorial service on April 16, 2021, to commemorate the nearly 10,000 people killed so far in the Corona pandemic in Austria. At the commemoration, which was broadcast live on TV on Friday, Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen spoke movingly of the fact that many people had to die alone, and spoke of the pain of “unfinished farewells” and the need to mourn together. In view of the pandemic and its victims, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz appealed to “overcome rifts,…

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Vaccination in Lower Austria: Registration for vaccination waiting lists open

Starting Wednesday, (21 April 2021) it is expected that anyone 60 years of age or older will be able to sign up for CoV vaccination. But even those who are much younger now have the opportunity to get to a vaccination appointment. As of now, people can also register for waiting lists at vaccination centers. There are 20 vaccination centers that will go into operation in Lower Austria next week. If, towards the end of a vaccination day – that is, after 6 p.m. – vaccine doses remain in these…

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Corona infected people in Austria become younger and younger

The bulk of those infected with the coronavirus affects the group of 20- to 64-year-olds, and overall the age of SARS-CoV-2-positive people continues to taper. The Corona Traffic Light Commission’s evaluation criteria for its Thursday meeting showed that in calendar week 14, about 69 percent fell into the 20- to 64-year-old age group among incidence cases, and about 17 percent were younger. According to the Traffic Light Commission, while they were still 46.7 years old on average in calendar week two, the average in calendar week 15 was only 38.3…

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Austrian traders call for free Antibody test

Vienna. In light of the sometimes desperate situation in the retail sector, the trade association is calling for antibody tests at zero cost. With a three-month validity, this would offer a “concrete opening perspective”. After all, “hundreds of thousands” in Austria had already survived an infection or had been vaccinated. The PCR and antigen rapid tests are “useful”, but are valid for too short a time “to lead a halfway ‘normal life’”. That’s because people would have to get tested three to four times a week. “Fortunately, the number of…

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Lockdown shopping in Burgenland can cost Viennese 1,450 euros

Going shopping in Burgenland is not allowed due to exit restrictions. While Vienna and Lower Austria have extended the lockdown until – for the time being – May 2, Burgenland is opening body-related services and trade as of Monday. This means, among other things, that the Designer Outlet Parndorf will also reopen its doors, which also attracts thousands of Viennese and Lower Austrians, especially on weekends. Covered by exit restrictionsOf course, this is not permitted, because the lockdown has also extended the exit restrictions. And that means that people are…

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Schools to start normal operations in autumn – tests using the gargle method

In September 2021, schools should basically start in normal operation – if the Corona infection situation allows it, Education Minister Heinz Faßmann (ÖVP) stressed on Thursday according to parliamentary correspondence in the Education Committee of the National Council. In suspected cases, schools are to be tested for the corona virus using the new gargle method. The ministry is currently discussing various scenarios with experts. The most realistic scenario at the moment is the one with local corona outbreaks, according to Faßmann. The gargle method is currently being tested at schools…

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Increased number of fake Corona tests at border controls in Austria

According to a report in the daily newspaper Kurier, the Ministry of the Interior has recently noticed an accumulation of falsified coronavirus tests when entering and leaving Austria. According to the report, 46 fakes were seized from April 8 to 12. However, the number of unreported cases is likely to be much higher. Fake coronatests at the borders: High penaltiesThe modus operandi varies, as ministry spokesman Patrick Maierhofer confirmed. In addition to professionally forged documents, very amateurish forgeries would also come to light again and again. The false tests could…

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