California coronavirus variant: researchers concerned

U.S. scientists have expressed concern about a coronavirus variant in California. The variant, first discovered in December and dubbed “B.1.427/B.1.429” by researchers, is also likely to be more contagious than the parent virus, according to initial findings, several U.S. media reported Wednesday, citing scientists. The variant has also been detected in other U.S. states and countries around the world, they said, but has so far spread primarily in California, according to previous findings. “I wish I had better news – that this variant is completely insignificant,” The New York Times…

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Chancellor Kurz wants passport for vaccinated people this spring

Chancellor Kurz Kurz and Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger support the “green passport.” This must come in the spring, they say. If there is no EU consensus, Kurz wants to implement this in Austria. Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger, according to Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, is also in favor of the introduction of an EU-wide uniform “Green Passport” to enable social life and freedom of travel again despite the Corona crisis. The goal is a digital passport solution that is practicable to use on a cell phone and can be updated flexibly. The…

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UPDATE: Corona vaccination in Austria – schedule is being adhered

Vaccinations against the corona virus have now been taking place in Austria for eight weeks, yet things are still not going quite so smoothly with the vaccinations in the country. Most people in old people’s and nursing homes have already received a vaccination against the virus, but the vaccine itself is still in short supply. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) reassures and assures that the vaccination schedule is being adhered to and that people will soon receive a vaccination more quickly. “Such a system, which we have set up here,…

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Chancellor Sebastian Kurz says when lockdown will make sense again

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (VP) was on “Bild live” in Germany Wednesday night. He spoke about lockdown scenarios and further openings. “As many restrictions as necessary, as much freedom as possible” – Sebastian Kurz (VP) outlined the Austrian government’s pandemic management in a live talk with Germany’s Bild newspaper Wednesday night. In conversation with deputy editor-in-chief (and Kurz biographer) Paul Ronzheimer, the chancellor talked about the first opening steps Austria has dared to take (earlier than Germany) with the opening of trade, schools and body-related service providers. Kurz also explained his…

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The path to more freedom

In nursing homes, visitation rules are being loosened on a fixed basis, while gastro must continue to wait despite concepts. How long is unclear.There are two areas where the calls for openings are particularly loud – and factually justified: In nursing homes, where the majority of residents are vaccinated, the frequency of visits could be increased from one to two per week, according to the demand, most recently made by the Upper Austrian state government. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober agrees and promises “significant improvements” for the first week of March.…

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24.2 degrees: Will we break the February record today?

Spring in the middle of winter. It has never been so warm in February. A stable high continues to provide mostly sunny weather from early to late.The temperatures rise again today to 22, 23 degrees. With a little luck, today could even break the February record. This is at 24.2 degrees – set on 28.2.2019 in Güssing. Over the lowlands in the northeast, however, fog patches may persist again into the morning. In the afternoon, the sun should then prevail everywhere. However, the sunshine is not entirely unclouded, as Saharan…

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Von der Leyen: Europe to catch up on vaccination backlogs by summer

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is convinced she will achieve a “noticeable improvement” in vaccination backlogs in Europe by summer. Biontech could supply more doses than initially thought, she said, adding Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine. “We were looking at six manufacturers, three of which have now been approved and are in demand worldwide, and two are close to approval,” she said. As a result, she said, the EU has backed the “right horses.” The broad range of vaccines can also be used against the mutations, she said. Preparations…

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Vaccinated to regain return to normality

Israel on Sunday introduced a “green passport” for citizens who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus or have recovered after falling ill. With this passport, citizens are allowed to visit gyms, hotels, theaters or sporting events, among others. Health Minister Juli Edelstein wrote on Twitter that more than 3.2 million Israelis can now enjoy these benefits. Is a similar concept conceivable in Austria? Christiane Druml, chairwoman of the Bioehtics Commission, talked about this in a Puls24 interview with Thomas Mohr. She pleads for more freedoms or for a “return to…

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This is how dangerous the Brazil mutation is for us now

The Brazilian mutation of the coronavirus seems to have arrived in Austria. After the British coronavirus variant B.1.1.7, the Brazilian mutant P.1. now also strikes fear into Austria. The first suspected case comes from Salzburg. But what does this mean for us now? And how dangerous is the mutation from the country over 9,000 kilometers away really? The current situation in Brazil – and especially in the megacity of Manaus – does not bode well: the healthcare system is reaching its limits. Pictures of horror are coming from Manaus, where,…

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