Incidence in Germany at 222.7

The seven-day incidence of new corona infections in Germany has risen to 222.7. Within 24 hours, 13,908 new infections with the corona virus were recorded, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported Monday morning. In addition, 69 more people died after a corona infection. The RKI pointed out that because of the Christmas holidays, fewer people got tested and not all health offices forwarded data. The actual numbers could therefore be higher. Since the start of the pandemic, public health departments in Germany reported 7,005,289 Corona infections. The total number of…

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Czech Republic tightens entry regulations

A state of emergency imposed in the Czech Republic due to the CoV pandemic expired overnight. In addition, stricter entry regulations will come into force tomorrow, which were decided by the governing coalition of five parties that has only been in office since Friday of last week. Adults entering the country from Austria or other EU countries will then need a negative PCR test before crossing the border, unless they have received a booster vaccination. Similarly, unvaccinated children under the age of twelve are exempt from the testing requirement. Adolescents…

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Corona record in France: over 100,000 cases in one day

France has recorded a record high of more than 100,000 Corona infections in one day. According to official data released Saturday evening, 104,611 new cases were reported within 24 hours. The seven-day incidence nationwide was last reported at nearly 647 new infections per 100,000 population within a week. In view of the drastically rising numbers, France’s government wants to change the access rules for restaurants and cultural establishments, for example. Currently, 3G is in force there and in numerous other places. In the future, a negative test alone will no…

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Number of new infections in USA higher than in Delta wave

The Omicron variant continues to gain ground in the U.S.: The average number of new infections reported per day over the past week now exceeds the peak of the violent Delta wave in the summer. While this figure was around 160,000 at the beginning of September, an average of 175,000 new infections per day was recently reported. In the USA, the omicron variant is dominant. In many places, records are being broken with regard to the number of new infections reported daily. Numerous flights were cancelled over Christmas because airlines…

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Omicron: milder course of disease also in GB

Following initial studies, surveys by the British health authority UKHSA have now also shown that Omicron apparently causes significantly milder courses of disease than previous variants of the coronavirus. The risk of having to be hospitalized after an infection is 50 to 70 percent lower with Omicron than with the Delta variant, which previously dominated in the UK, the authority explained yesterday. At the same time, it warned against jumping to conclusions because only a few data are available so far. The data are “preliminary” and scientifically “very uncertain,” the…

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Spain: Peak number of new infections

Spain yesterday recorded a new daily high in coronavirus infections. According to the Ministry of Health, 49,823 new cases were reported within 24 hours. The much more contagious Omicron variant already accounted for almost half of all new cases. It accounted for 47.2 percent of cases detected between Dec. 6 and Dec. 12, according to the ministry. The previous daily record was 39,000 cases within 24 hours in January. Spain is among the countries with the highest vaccination rate, with 89.7 percent of those over 12 fully vaccinated. In light…

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US omicron numbers skyrocket

The Omicron variant of the coronavirus is now the predominant variant in the United States, according to government data. Seventy-three percent of new infections in the United States are due to Omicron, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced Monday (local time). That’s a jump from just 12.6 percent of cases attributed to Omicron the previous week. Omicron has pushed Delta, the previously predominant variant, into second place. According to CDC data, on the Pacific Coast in the northwestern United States, more than 90 percent of new cases of…

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Health Minister: Omicron dominates in Denmark

The Omikron variant of the coronavirus is now the dominant variant in Denmark, according to Health Minister Magnus Heunickec. The government health institute SSI has come to the conclusion that Omicron is already the dominant viral variant in the country and continues to spread, Heunicke wrote on Twitter today. He added that an epidemic was seen to be growing, with a record 13,558 confirmed CoV cases added today. To date, the SSI had recorded more than 26,000 omicron cases, including 1,367 confirmed by whole genome sequencing and nearly 25,000 detected…

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WHO: Omicron on the rise in 89 countries

According to the WHO, the coronavirus variant Omicron is spreading much faster than Delta. Many countries are taking precautions, the Netherlands even with a hard lockdown. The infections with Omicron doubled every 1.5 to three days, communicated the World Health Organization WHO in Geneva. So far, the variant has been detected in 89 countries, it said. WHO warned that hospitals may be overwhelmed in some places given the rapid increase in cases. “The number of hospitalizations in the United Kingdom and South Africa continues to rise, and given the rapidly…

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