Coronavirus worldwide: Hacker attacks hamper launch of Corona Pass in Netherlands

More than 231 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.7 million infected people have died. More than 6 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The launch of the Corona Passport in the Netherlands to prove vaccination, recovery or a negative test has been hampered by hacker attacks. This made it difficult or delayed at times to download the required QR code on Saturday evening. This was announced by the Ministry of Health in The Hague on Sunday (Sept. 26).…

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Corona pandemic already claimed 4.9 million lives worldwide

More than 4.9 million people worldwide have already died from or with the virus since the Corona pandemic began. The United States, Brazil, and India have the highest rates of death or infection.Worldwide, more than 231.57 million people have been confirmed to have contracted the corona virus. That’s according to a Reuters count based on official data. More than 4.94 million people have died with or from the virus since it was first detected in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The United States has the most cases of infection and…

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Germany: Seven-day incidence at 60.6 RKI reports fewer cases than in previous week

The seven-day incidence in Germany has fallen again. The-Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week in the morning with 60.6. Thus, the number has been declining for about two weeks. The previous day, the value had been 62.5, a week ago 72.0. Health offices in Germany reported 7211 new Corona infections to the RKI within one day. This is according to figures reflecting the status of the RKI dashboard as of 04:08. A week ago, the figure had been 8901 infections. According…

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Norway lifts COVID 19 restrictions:

Norway is ending its restrictions to contain the coronavirus pandemic. The restrictions would be lifted tomorrow, Prime Minister Erna Solberg announced today. “It has been 561 days since we introduced the toughest measures in Norway in peacetime. (…) Now the time has come to return to normal everyday life.” Pandemic not over yetSeveral measures had already been relaxed, and now the stand-off requirement is also being dropped. Restaurants can thus once again operate at full capacity, as can nightclubs, sports arenas and other venues. “In short, we can now live…

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USA approves first vaccine for boosters

The US has approved a first CoV vaccine for boosters. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday approved Biontech and Pfizer’s vaccine for people over age 65, adults at high risk for severe disease, and those in occupations with a high risk of infection. Those can now get a third dose six months after the second vaccination. Among those at high risk of infection, the FDA included “health care workers, teachers and day care workers, food store workers, and workers in homeless shelters and prisons.” It is unclear at…

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Germany abolishes free tests

CoV rapid tests will have to be paid for by most people themselves in Germany from October 11. In general, they will remain free for people who cannot be vaccinated, including children under the age of twelve. This is stipulated in a new regulation issued by the German Ministry of Health, which implements a corresponding decision by the federal and state governments. According to transitional rules, children aged twelve to 17 and pregnant women can still have at least one free test a week until Dec. 31. German Chancellor Angela…

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WHO: Global decline in cases

The number of covid-19 cases reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) has dropped. Last week, 3.67 million cases were reported to WHO, nine percent fewer than in the previous seven days, the UN agency reported yesterday in Geneva. Previously, the numbers had risen steadily since early June, reaching a plateau in August. Almost all continents recorded declines. Only Africa saw a slight increase. The global number of deaths fell by seven percent week-on-week to just under 60,000. The WHO statistical report did not provide any explanation for the development…

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More U.S. Covid Deaths than from Spanish Flu

More U.S. citizens have now died as a result of the Corona pandemic than from Spanish flu. According to a Johns Hopkins University count, more than 675,700 died in the U.S. in connection with Corona infection. The Spanish flu, which raged between 1918 and 1919, took the lives of 675,000 people in the U.S., according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Thus, at least in absolute numbers, Spanish flu lost its title as the most serious pandemic in recent U.S. history. Worldwide, Spanish flu killed at least 50…

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Czech Republic starts with third vaccination

Health ministry in Prague explicitly recommends so-called booster vaccination for seniors over 60 The Czech Republic has started booster vaccinations against the coronavirus. The first people received their third shot today. The prerequisite is that the last vaccination was more than eight months ago. The Ministry of Health in Prague explicitly recommends the so-called booster vaccination for seniors over 60, members of high-risk groups, and health and care personnel. “For everyone else, it’s up to their own will,” says Health Minister Adam Vojtech. source:

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