American infectiologist Anthony Fauci has warned of new virus variants

American infectiologist Anthony Fauci has warned of new virus variants in an interview. In regions with few vaccinated people, where the virus can continue to circulate freely, there is a good chance that there will soon be a variant that could be more problematic than the delta variant, Fauci said in an interview with NBC News. Every infectiologist is aware, he said: a virus can only mutate if it is allowed to replicate. Currently, vaccinations still protect well against the delta variant, but a new variant could affect not only…

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Coronavirus worldwide: US infectiologist Fauci warns of new possible virus variants, delta variant spreading in Australia despite lockdowns

About 201 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.2 million infected people have died. About 4.3 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. American infectiologist Anthony Fauci has warned of new virus variants in an interview. In regions with few vaccinated people, where the virus can continue to circulate freely, there is a good chance that there will soon be a variant that could be more problematic than the delta variant, Fauci said in an interview with NBC News. Every…

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Coronavirus worldwide: 26 new infections at Olympics, hundreds of thousands of French protest new rules

About 201 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.2 million infected people have died. About 4.3 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. 26 new COVID 19 cases in Tokyo OlympicsAnother 26 Corona cases were registered at the Tokyo Olympics on Sunday (Aug. 8). Among them was no athlete, according to a statement from Olympic organizers. The total number of Corona infected people in connection with the Summer Games increased to 430, of which 32 were residents of the Olympic…

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More than half of the US population fully vaccinated

In the USA, more than half of the total population is now fully vaccinated. Around 166 million citizens now have this status, the CDC announced yesterday. That would result in a rate of 50.1 percent. 58.5 percent had received at least one vaccination dose. Among those over 12, the rate of fully vaccinated is 58.6 percent; among those over 18, 61 percent; and among those over 65, 80.4 percent. The U.S. administers vaccines from manufacturers Biontech and Pfizer, as well as Moderna, each of which requires two vaccinations. In addition,…

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Coronavirus worldwide: 22 more Corona cases in Olympics attendees, Russia’s population shrinks significantly in pandemic

About 201 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.2 million infected people have died. About 4.3 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide.The latest developments 22 more cases in TokyoTokyo Olympics organizers have reported 22 more Corona cases surrounding the Summer Games. No other athletes have been affected, according to a statement issued by organizers on Saturday (Aug. 7). The total number of people infected with Corona in connection with the Olympics rose to 404, including 32 Olympic village residents…

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Italy: “Green passport” exemption for vaccine test

As part of the “green passport” scheme that went into effect today in Italy, the Ministry of Health also announced an exemption for participants in a series of tests for the coronavirus vaccine developed in Italy by biotech company Reithera, but not yet licensed. All participants can obtain an “exemption from vaccination against Covid-19 in paper or digital format” at testing centers, the ministry told agency sources. This certificate is reportedly valid until September 30 and is issued by the doctor responsible for the test center where the vaccination was…

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Coronavirus worldwide: As of today, the “green passport” is valid in Italy, US health authority warns of hundreds of thousands of new infections, South Korea extends restrictions

About 200 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.2 million infected people have died. About 4.3 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The “green passport” is valid in Italy From Friday (Aug. 6), anyone in Italy who wants to eat indoors in a restaurant, go to a museum or to a swimming pool or spa will have to show a “green passport” – either proof of vaccination, a negative Corona test valid for 48 hours or proof of recovery.…

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USA: CDC warns of hundreds of thousands of new infections

The head of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (CDC) has warned of hundreds of thousands of new coronavirus infections per day in the United States. If the country stood together, the unvaccinated got vaccinated and people wore their masks, the situation could be brought under control within a few weeks, Rochelle Walensky told CNN last night (local time). “Our models show that if we don’t do that, we could be looking at several 100,000 cases a day – similar to the surge in early January.” Asked if the numbers…

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Coronavirus worldwide: USA to introduce proof of vaccination on entry, Japan tightens restrictions

About 200 million people worldwide have tested positive for the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 4.2 million infected people have died. About 4.1 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The latest developments ChinaChinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac plans to produce vaccines against the coronavirus in a new factory in Chile. In addition to building the manufacturing plant in the greater Santiago de Chile area, a research center is planned in Antofagasta in the north of the country, the Chilean Health Ministry said Wednesday (Aug. 4). The first…

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