Vienna – 12 September 2020 – The head of the traffic light commission, Ulrich Herzog, is concerned about the latest development in new corona infections, as he said Friday evening in a ZiB2 interview. As of 9 p.m., 912 new infections were reported within the past 24 hours, the highest figure since the end of March.
In the morning, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior announced 580 confirmed new corona infections at 9:30 a.m. The figures would correspond to “what we have been seeing for a long time,” said Herzog. Nevertheless, Herzog defended the procedure of the traffic light commission, saying that it was necessary to proceed with “measure and target” and not to switch the traffic light to orange too quickly. It could not be assumed that all of Austria would be orange next week.
Herzog conceded that there had been an “intensive discussion” in the commission about whether it was sensible to put all of Austria on yellow, because many districts were on the border to yellow. But one had refrained from doing so because many measures beyond the compulsory mask in schools, hospitals and the nursing sector would have had to be implemented.
— Hector Pascua, Source, Picture:
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