According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Wednesday, the health authorities in Germany reported more than 5,000 new corona infections within one day for the first time since April. According to the RKI, the total number was 5,132, more than 1,000 cases more than the day before. The last peak since April was 4,721 newly detected cases on Saturday. On Wednesday last week, 2,828 new infections were reported.
Most recently, in mid-April, the numbers were as high as they are today. However, the values are not comparable with each other, because in the meantime, considerably more tests are being carried out – and thus more infections are being detected. The RKI writes about the current situation: “Currently, an accelerated increase in transmissions in the population in Germany can be observed. Therefore, there is an urgent appeal for the entire population to commit itself to infection control”. The proportion of Covid-19 cases is increasing slightly in the older population. Senior citizens are generally considered more susceptible to severe corona disease than younger people.
Although the number of corona patients in intensive care units has increased noticeably in recent days, it remains comparatively low. According to data from the DIVI Intensive Care Register on Tuesday, around 620 Covid patients received intensive care treatment, compared to around 450 a week earlier. However, according to the DIVI Intensive Care Register, a total of almost 9,000 intensive care beds are still available in Germany.
— Hector Pascua, Source: Robert Koch Institut,, with reports from Pictures:
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