On November 1 (All Saints’ Day) the grave blessing takes place throughout Austria.
The fight against the spread of the coronavirus also has an impact on All Saints’ Day, Christmas or Christmas markets. Austrian Press answers the five most important questions about the celebration of these feasts:
Are there any restrictions for All Saints’ Day cemeteries?
When a grave is blessed with a priest, there are no personal limits. When private persons come together to visit a grave together, the ten-person rule applies. In any case, the Ministry of Health appeals to the personal responsibility of the people and asks that distance and hygiene measures be observed and social contacts be kept to a minimum.
Does the ten-person rule also apply to Christmas Eve at home?
No. As before, the regulation does not cover the private living area. Family celebrations are still possible, but should be restricted for health reasons.
Is it allowed to have several tables with ten people each in the restaurant?
The regulation does not deal with the number of people per table, but with groups of visitors. These may include a maximum of ten people or people from the same household.
Are masks mandatory at Christmas and Advent markets?
Yes, at open-air markets there is a general obligation to wear masks. However, mouth and nose protection can be removed when eating and drinking at the tables.
Is it possible that different rules apply in my community?
Yes, depending on the traffic light system or regional situation, this can always be the case. However, regional measures can only tighten, not loosen the nationwide measures.
— Hector Pascua, Source: sozialministerium.at with reports from krone.at. Picture: stockilyapp.com
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