▶Am I allowed to leave the house/apartment? Staying “outside the private living area” is only permitted for certain reasons. These include going to work, helping others or relaxing outside. Another exception is the meeting of “closest caregivers” – this counts as “necessary basic needs”.
▶Should I really only meet one person? A meeting may only take place with one other household at most. This person must belong to the closest family circle or consist of “important person with whom physical contact is usually maintained several times a week”. Recommended: As few contacts as possible.
▶ Are several shops open? In addition to food retailers (including bakers and butchers) and the health sector (pharmacies, drugstores), there are other exceptions, such as bicycle and car repair stores, cell phone stores, petrol stations, tobacconists, waste disposal companies, animal feed dealers.
Services such as hairdressers, beauticians, beauticians, tattooists or masseurs are prohibited. Wholesale trade for tradesmen (B2B) (e.g. painters, plumbers, electricians etc.) may remain open.
▶Is it possible to play with children in playgrounds? Yes. This falls under the item “outdoor recreation” and is exempted from the exit restrictions. Playgrounds are the only leisure facilities that are exempted from the closures.
▶What are the visiting rules in hospitals, old people’s homes and nursing homes? Only one visitor per week is allowed per resident in old people’s and nursing homes. The same applies to hospital patients, but only if they are in hospital for more than seven days. Exceptions are made for pastors, residents’ representatives, patient advocates and visits in the context of palliative care. Pregnant women may be accompanied by one person during the birth, minors and people in need of support by two persons.
▶Are weddings allowed during the lockdown? No, according to the Ministry of Health. Although official channels that cannot be postponed are an exception to the exit restrictions, (civil) marriages are not considered as such.
- hector pascua, Source: sozialministerium.at and krone.at. Picture: pixabay.com
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