In Germany, according to the government, everyone who wants to be vaccinated against the coronavirus will be entitled to a free vaccination. “The vaccination will be free of charge, regardless of whether and how someone is insured,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of Health in Berlin.
Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said that the vaccination will be voluntary and announced an information campaign. He said there were no plans to pay people to be vaccinated.
Mass tests like in Austria are not planned in Germany. The federal and state governments based their testing strategy on a “very differentiated recommendation” by the Robert Koch Institute, the spokesperson said. The recommendation was that testing should be targeted and not carried out on a large scale. Virologists and other experts had assured the government that mass tests had little validity. It was better, he said, “to always go where there are cases of infection”.
The German government received support for its course from the German Foundation for Patient Protection. “Mass tests are a flash in the pan,” said the foundation’s chairman, Eugen Brysch. They are useless for protecting the population against infection, he said, while at the same time “a lot of money is being burned” for this political activism.
hp, source: picture:
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